First, really enjoying the discussion, so thanks Florian and Michael.

Michael, I have my own thoughts about it, but could you say more about what
or which you mean by "bogus folk histories"?

I am working on a history myself and have not been very impressed with the
largely anecdotal and narrow accounts that I see then being universalized,
and the term new media has all kinds of problems.  --Florian can sum those
up much better than I though. ;-)

I will say though that I think the digital distinction has some historical
importance as well because of the way it changes reproduction and
distribution, and because of the way it makes audio, video, text, and sill
images in a sense equivalent, which has allowed new
artistic/musical/literary  practices to develop.

I'd like to know what you and others think would make a better history, or
what has been left out?



On Fri, Jan 23, 2009 at 8:07 AM, Michael Wojcik <> wrote:

> Florian Cramer wrote:
> > This is a straightforward paraphrase of McLuhan's "end of the
> > Gutenberg Galaxy", with the only catch that McLuhan referred to
> > analog media - film, radio, television. So it seems as if the authors
> > thoroughly confuse "electronic" and "paper" with "digital" and
> > "analog". But, technically seen, the movable type printing press is
> > not an analog, but a digital system in that all writing into discrete,
> > countable [and thus computable] units.
> By the same token, traditional projected film is a digital system,
> since it's quantized into still images (frames), generally with a
> sampling rate around 60 samples/second. Individual frames in
> chemical-photography film may be analog, but the medium is in essence
> a digital one.


Kim De Vries

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