BEHIND THE NEWS with Doug Henwood

"Best Music on an Economics & Politics Radio Show"
Village Voice Best of NYC 2005

opening commentaries at:


Just posted to my radio archive

May 8, 2010 (KPFA version) DH on conspiracism (cont.) • Emily Gould,  
blogger and author of The Heart Says Whatever, on the new media world,  
kids today, etc. • Rob Weissman, president of Public Citizen, on how  
Wall Street gets its way in DC                          
April 29, 2010 DH on conspiracism • Enrique Diaz-Alvarez, hedge fund  
trader, on the Eurocrisis • Kert Davies, research director of  
Greenpeace USA, on climate politics and the oil spill
April 22, 2010 Mark Weisbrot of CEPR on Latin America • Steve Early on  
the departure of Andy Stern from SEIU

they join:

April 15, 2010 Robert Scott of the Economic Policy Institute on how  
China’s currency manipulation kills American jobs (paper here) • Matt  
Taibbi on how Wall Street ripped offJefferson County, Alabama, and the  
U.S. government

April 8, 2010 Diane Ravitch, former conservative educational reformer  
turned critic of the privatization agenda and author of The Death and  
Life of the Great American School System, on the awfulness of the now- 
bipartisan scheme of testing, charters, union-busting, etc.

April 3, 2010 (KPFA version) Ann Harrison, labor economist at  
Berkeley, on the effects of the anti-sweatshop campaign on Indonesian  
footwear workers • Steven Hill, author of Europe’s Promise, on the Old  
World as an economic model for the U.S.

March 25, 2010 Tom Athanasiou of EcoEquity on the science and politics  
of climate change • Steffie Woolhandler of Physicians for a National  
Health Program on the health care abomination                           

March 18, 2010 Greg Albo, Sam Gindin, and Leo Panitch of York  
University, authors of In and Out of Crisis, on the current economic  
mess: origins, consequences, possibilities


Doug Henwood
Producer, Behind the News
Thursdays, 5-6 PM, WBAI, New York 99.5 FM
Saturdays, 10-11 AM, KPFA, Berkeley 94.1 FM
"best music on a show about economics & politics" - Village Voice

Left Business Observer
242 Greene Ave - #1C
Brooklyn, NY 11238-1398 USA

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