BEHIND THE NEWS with Doug Henwood

"Best Music on an Economics & Politics Radio Show"
Village Voice Best of NYC 2005

Just posted to my radio archive

April 16, 2011 Joel Schalit, author of this piece, on Israeli identity and the 
problems with saying that the country may be turning “fascist” • Michael 
Heaney, co-author of this paper, on how Obama demobilized the antiwar movement 
• Roger Lowenstein, author of The End of Wall Street, on the financial crisis 
and its aftermath
it joins:
April 9, 2011 Carrie Lane, author of A Company of One, on how unemployed tech 
workers see themselves (as heroic, self-reliant questers, mostly) • Adolph Reed 
on the uselessness of TV liberals, the limits of spontaneity in politics, and 
the sponginess of race as a politlcal and analytical category

March 19, 2011 Abe Sauer, who’s been covering Wisconsin for The Awl, on Walker, 
the protests, privatization • Steve Early, author ofThe Civil Wars in U.S. 
Labor, on the fights in & around Andy Stern’s SEIU

March 12, 2011 Seth Mnookin, author of The Panic Virus, on the spurious and 
destructive fantasy of a link between vaccines and autism • reprise of a 2006 
interview with the splendid Robert Fitch, who died on March 4, about his book 
Solidarity for Sale and the role of corruption in the sad decline of American 
unions (and a brief memoir of his work)                           

March 5, 2011 Jodi Dean, keeper of the I Cite blog and author of Blog Theory, 
interviewed in December on what digital culture is doing to us, returns to tell 
us how events in Cairo and Madison may have changed her mind • Joel Rogers of 
the University of Wisconsin on that state and its labor uprising

February 5, 2011 Lance Lochner, author of this NBER paper, on the social 
returns to education (lower crime, better health) • Vijay Prashad of Trinity 
College on the Egyptian revolution

January 29, 2011 Mark LeVine of the University of California–Irvine (and author 
of Heavy Metal Islam) and GIlbert Achcar of SOAS (and author of The Arabs and 
the Holocaust) talk (separately) about the popular uprisings in the Middle East 
• Bhaskar Sunkara on the new magazine he edits, Jacobin

January 22, 2011 Nicholas Carr, author of The Shallows, on what the web is 
doing to our brains and minds • Robert Fatton, author of Haiti’s Predatory 
Republic, on Baby Doc’s return, the failure to recover from earthquake, the 
horrid class system

January 15, 2011 Mark Ames, author of Going Postal and editor of The Exiled, on 
Tucson and how the U.S. is like a decaying Russia • Jefferson Cowie, author of 
Stayin' Alive: The 1970s and the Last Days of the Working Class, on the 1970s


Doug Henwood
Producer, Behind the News
Saturdays, 10-11 AM, KPFA, Berkeley 94.1 FM
"best music on a show about economics & politics" - Village Voice

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