On of the entertaining aspects of the Shannon's theory is that a closed system 
cannot "explain" itself. This is why the emergence of novel entities (such as 
WL-JA subsystem) is interesting - it gives a brief hope that there is an 
outside observer that will tell us what the f*ck is going on (not in the sense 
of actual events that WL exposes, but about the dynamics of the society.)

Is WL-JA the Outsider, and how long will it be the Outsider? I think yes, and 
I'd say 2-6 months.

Enjoy while it lasts.

> As already shown, Assange borrows heavily from the
> information sciences - 
> more specifically, cognitive neuroscience and computer
> science. This is 
> extremely interesting because this leads his philosophy to
> resemble certain 
> contemporary post-structural philosophies – most
> specifically, that of the 
> 20th century French philosopher Gilles Deleuze.


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