Writing for the FAZ myself I can assure you, that there is no such
thing as "the FAZ". It is a multitude of oppinions, plenty of debates
and highly moble frontlines. There are some arch-conservative editors
and authors who would love to wake up one day and find the internet
gone (mostly in the politics and business parts of the paper). And
then there are plenty of others (more often in the Feuilleton) who
have distinctly different and certainly not conservative views.

You should not make the mistake to associate Google with "good" just
because they side with free culture sometimes when it fits their
business interests. We are deep inside a multi-front power struggle
with shifting alliances and neither the government nor the internet
ogliopolies are on our side.

btw: I read Enzensberger as satire. 

Greetings from Berlin,

Frank Rieger


On 10.03.2014, at 15:32, Armin Medosch wrote:

> The point I want to make is not so much about Enzensbergers text -
> the poet has clearly let himself down - but the publishing context.
> FAZ is on a campaign against Gratiskultur - the free culture of
> the internet. A few days earlier there was a text by Jaron Lanier
> which was pretty much a repetition of his older rant against Digital
> Maoism with a little added surveillance sauce. FAZ does not like the
> net, never did. So they mix cleverly two things, using widespread
> dissatisfaction with surveillance to fight against free culture. This
> is clearly old capital against new capital - the enemy is Google. What
> a pity that Enzensberger allowed himself to be used in that way by an
> arch-conservative newspaper. Lanier also allowed himself to be used
> but thats not such a pity because as his Digital Maoism text showed he
> is beyond the beyond.
> regards
> Armin

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