Hi MP,

it is not so difficult. There's capital, and its not homogenous. There are
capitals of a different era and of a different kind - such as industrial,
agro-business, and financial capital. There are different modes of
production and social relations that go with it. It is not about 'for' or
'against' or naive versions of 'good' and 'bad' but if we want to
understand the world we live in - and to preempt any questions, I think to
some degree this is possible - then we need to engage with such concepts
that great social scientists have developed


On Mon, Mar 10, 2014 at 5:54 PM, mp <m...@aktivix.org> wrote:

> On 10/03/14 15:32, Armin Medosch wrote:
> > is clearly old capital against new capital - the enemy is Google.
> so, old capital is a bad thing and new capital is a bad thing, or
> what's the moral of this?

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