Hello Mike
I think you are missing the point; or, rather have little sense of the context 
within which these demonstrations are taking place. Your comment sounds oddly 
Luddite and with a twinge of universalising generalities that do not help in 
understanding the particularities of the Budapest events nor those in other 
cities; iPhones or Samsung Notes or LGs or computers in Budapest in Hong Kong 
or Tunisia may be all similar but they way they are used is necessarily 
different despite neoliberal or state corporate objectives. 


> A problem with all of this is that the ???hand???s off the Internet??? 
> position is at the  
> very core of a neo-liberal take down of the social contract. The Internet 
> erodes local  
> tax bases, shifts wealth from the poor to the rich, from poor countries to 
> rich ones; and  
> the rallying cry for oppositional elements is ???hand???s off????

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