While the class is the the primary divider, there are collateral 
divisions in the Left that are few (causal) generations removed from the 
class but extremely effective. These divisions are actively and 
successfully nurtured: educational and academic echo chambers, identity 
politics and related cults (genderism, global warmingism, 
anti-globalism, environmentalism, etc.)

[The obvious solution is that Left must become Right and get united 
around the simpler concepts of capitalism, which is exactly what 
happened, but that's a different topic.]

On 4/5/17, 4:53, Patrice Riemens wrote:

> I'll start with a proposition: the Right is subjectively divided, but
> objectively united, whereas it is the reverse with the Left: thinking
> it's one when it is so irremediably (for the moment) divided. And the
> simple reason for thar is: class.

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