Dear Patrick, Brian,

I read your post this am, Patrick, and was comforted amidst numerous recent
events to find a conscious intellect! No freak. And, of course, I have some
responses...for you and with Brian's comments! See inserted below.

On 10/13/2017 05:09 AM, Patrick Lichty wrote:
> > Has the United states, and a large part of Western thought become so
> warped by populism and anti intellectualism (which is a complex and stack
> in itself) that individuals seeking a humane, objective society driven by
> reason, logic and empirical science look like some sort of freak show? If
> so, count me as a freak,

Well, let me suggest that we examine discourses around what constitutes
"civil society" -- which the Trump admin is eroding constitutional
protections on each day, e. g., the dangerous concepts for redefining
"civil rights" under that racist freak Jeff Session's mis-use of the Dept
of Justice. Language ? in addition to science?
The vulnerability of university protections for political perspectives
differing from Tea Party-type and religious fundamentalism.
(I tend to reel at the word fundamentalism lest it be snatched by the wrong

and perhaps a political theory of constitutional fundamentalism as
> revolutionary force is a notion which time has come.

Better work fast...:)

> I agree with this but I think the "fundamentalism" of any constitutional
> process is evolutionary,

Or problematic? We need really specific idea of what we are talking
about...ACLU? They are pretty fundamental...after all.

it's not about Newton (immutable laws) but
> instead, Darwin and Whitehead (processes). Similarly, tradtional
> objectivity is giving way, in the best contemporary science, to notions
> of interlinked feedback processes that alter the observer along with the
> observed (quantum physics has taken that approach to the heart of
> Newtonian determinism; and earth science has an even more relevant
> biogeochenical take on it).

Hmmm. Yep. I want to shoo this discussion into the realm of philosophy,
ethical boundaries and human rights, towards hermeneutics of legal and
philosophical interpretation of the Constitution and of addition
or in contrast to model-driven scientific experience and "fact"---because,
re: climate change - at what point does a plan which is clearly bad for the
whole get to rule for the part in the present tipping stage

> These things are not fundamentalist in any way, but I totally agree,
> they ae a revolutionary force whose time has come! Cause how else are we
> gonna deal with runaway climate change????

see above


> best, BH
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