On 10/14/2017 03:01 AM, Keith Hart wrote:
The shift to deconstruction and construction presumes, to my mind, that the question of homo duplex has been resolved and I don't think it has. This confusion allows individuals to propose their own judgments as social solutions without examining how they get from A to B.

I don't have much time to write but frankly I think it is now a matter of going from A to B to C, or it's about homo triplex, individual, society, earth - or again, ethics, equality, ecology.

No ethics, no individual striving for autonomy, means no chance to achieve consciousness of self and participate in society.

No equality, that is, no constructed institutional framework in which all can strive differently for autonomy and become aware that this is, paradoxically, a collective effort, means that individual consciousness is rare, it's a class thing, it's an attribute of oligarchy and tyranny.

No ecology, no understanding that 7.5bn humans puts limits and conditions on the constructed institutional forms of coexistence, now leads to the looming dead end of urban collapse and climate wars.

Short and not well explained, but those are my ideas in a nutshell.

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