Hi Kasper,

On Fri, Nov 24, 2017 at 10:57:47AM +0100, Kasper Skov wrote:
> Two examples that might help you can an idea of what I am looking for:
> Christl, W., & Spiekermann, S. (2016). Networks of Control. Facultas.

Christl & Spiekermann is an excellent overview of commercial
surveillance. Another obvious reference would be:

  Zuboff, Shoshana (8 August 2017). Master Or Slave?: The Fight for
  the Soul of Our Information Civilization. ISBN 9781610395694.

Before this book appeared, the FAZ newspaper published an essay based
on it [1]. It was discussed on this list in March 2016. In it, Zuboff
coined the term “surveillance capitalism” [2].

[2] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Surveillance_capitalism


  Christian Pietsch | library technologist also volunteering for
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