This is correct observation.

"Hacker spaces" and similar are simply recruitment centers for the new cognitive class that will facilitate the machine-mediated control of the rest. People instinctively understand this, despite the deluge of propaganda to the contrary.

Computing machines are all about control. While there is a number of positive side effects for those on the receiving side, ultimately it's about control of the many by the few. Tending to computing machines ('programming') has immediate gratification: you see many hapless 'users' being controlled by your 'interface', following instructions you embedded once into the machine, millions and millions of times. You don't have to be there, they still obey you and your 'flow design'. You created f*cking 15 ... 10 commandments! (nod to Mr. Brooks.) You are god. This is the only reason why everyone and their mother wants to 'learn' computing 'science'.

On 12/14/17, 06:05, Patrice Riemens wrote:
Echoing recent digital critics such as Douglas Rushkoff or even myself,
they ask themselves what’s revolutionary or prophetic in an industry
that relies on old-school capitalism, monopolies, micro-work, state
regulations and money as a cardinal value. And as they reject the hacker
myth, they end up calling a revered

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