The algorithms of the ruling class are in every epoch the algorithms of the 
ruling class


Message: 1
Date: Mon, 15 Jan 2018 20:16:59 +0100
From: Florian Cramer <<>>
Cc: Nettime <<>>
Subject: Re: <nettime> social media critique: next steps?
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"


It means that no Chinese "social credit" algorithm is necessary to
discourage social engagement or political resistance. It is not even a
question of "better" algorithms - whether "better" algorithmic governance
within existing social networks or through the creation of
"different"/alternative social networks -, since the issue will remain,
being one of an 'apparatus' or an 'actor network' transcending binary
distinctions of machinic and human agency. (The question whether a troll is
a human or a bot, isn't very relevant.)

Articulation of positions [including artist's positions outside self-chosen
safe spaces] is rapidly becoming a privilege of those who can afford their


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