Agreed Roel, thanks for your nice list.

I would like to add one more project: Duniter.

As said here:

"If you want a symmetrical network, it is necessary to design it in such a way
that it generate itself a new form of currency which has to be also

That what Duniter tries to do.

Duniter is a cryptocurrency software, which means it is a software
providing the ability to create currencies. Duniter is different from other
cryptocurrency softwares you may know (Bitcoin, Litecoin, Peercoin, ...)
for 2 main reasons : its currency code includes the concepts of a Universal
Dividend and Web of Trust; but also its Blockchain code, which is far more
energy efficient, getting rid of the massive waste of energy introduced by

Olivier Auber

On Wed, Jan 17, 2018 at 8:58 AM, RRA <> wrote:

> > This is in the end what Silicon Valley tries to prevent at all cost:
> > resistance and exodus. How can such a momentum be unleashed?
> So aside from the discussion of who listens (or didn't listen) to whose
> opinion it can be interesting to have a closer look at action and momentum.
> Three projects caught my attention and I think could be an interesting
> case for this 'next steps' discussion:
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