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Op 02-03-18 om 13:24 schreef carlo von lynX:
Bumped into an amazing documentary from 1994: depicting the future
of society in the age of the Internet. Some statements are funny or
sad for their naivity, some others are chilling as they predict the
advent of the great Internet monopolies.
     "Visions Of Heaven and Hell" -

"I think it could be a disaster scenario, as this new technology
  comes to its fruition, with fewer people getting richer and more
  people getting poorer. And I think it could mean the collapse of
  society as indeed the collapse of the world civilisation and a
  new dark age. And the only thing that I think in the end can save
  that, is if the people who master this technology, the new rich,
  the new intellighenzia, can actually think beyond themselves. If
  they can realise, that the best form of selfishness is unselfish-
  ness. That if they don't actually invest in people other than
  themselves, beyond themselves, they will destroy themselves."
         Charles B. Handy, 1994.

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