Some of us realized this at the time ....

On Mar 2, 2018, at 10:04 AM, carlo von lynX wrote:

> On Fri, Mar 02, 2018 at 02:06:55PM +0100, Menno Grootveld wrote:
>> The URL is wrong. The correct one is
> Sorry folks, this is indeed the URL I intended to post.
> I find the documentary quite thrilling with these
> rapid alternations of the fallacious optimistic clichees
> that are still afloat today and the profound and pensive
> words of warning that didn't fit the mood and so got
> conveniently forgotten.
> Nick Land is among those who said something optimistic
> about inevitable decentralisation, which has turned out
> to be totally wrong: the Internet has produced the
> greatest degree of centralisation in human history.
> Other clichées that we now know to be wrong:
> - "Technology is completely neutral."
> - "The Internet treats censorship as damage and routes
>   around it."
> - "The net is like a new country."
> - "It spreads the power to the people."
> And here some of the forgotten wisdoms:
> "It knows no moral code. It will serve any master."
> "It ignores all borders. Has no sense of tradition.
> Obeys no rules."
> "Technology will manipulate you."
> "If we don't take the tools and use it, it's gonna be
> done for us." - "And we're not gonna like it."
> "People are just talking to themselves in a cyber-bubble."
> "It's more anarchy than democracy,
> and it isn't necessarily good."
> Technology gives "the freedom of the jungle."
> "It's also the power to bypass everything."
> "It is a cyber-marketplace, with all that it entails."
> "We are building the future on shifting sand, and when
> the edifice first begins to move, we will think it is
> the stirring, the exciting of the new."
> "What people don't realize is what difference this technology
> is going to make to all the old power structures and authority
> systems in our society. [...]
> In some ways, that's wonderful. But in some ways, it's very
> frightening. What is going to hold society together?"
> "We don't need to build homes in space [...]
> to awake one morning and find society made anew.
> Technology just needs to change our daily routine."
> "The future is already in the marketplace, where it
> can flourish and destroy. And the market has a way
> of changing things without waiting to count the costs."
> "Of course it allows for people to work in quite different ways.
> Of course it allows people to have much more information and
> much more choice. But it also means that everybody is competing
> with everybody else in the world. That puts tremendous pressure
> on all sorts of organisations and governments. You can't get
> away being dozy anymore. [...] Nobody can escape from all these
> changes that technology makes possible but which economics make
> absolutely essential.
> "At 7 in the morning she's already at work in her
> apartment, but she has never really started work,
> because she never really stopped. In the global
> economy day and night are interchangeable." 
> "They are always on-line and never off-duty.
> Totally free to fly and totally free to fall."
> "The wealthy and the fortunate have always lived above
> the rest, but now they have the means to be still more
> remote. With a computer and a telephone, and an income
> which most can only dream, they can build a little
> paradise where technology sets them free."
> [to be continued]
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