Dear nettimers,

I know, this is (not) the time for us to speak up… The CA events are taking 
over, mainstream media are publishing one strange message after the after—and 
the activists shut their mouth, thinking: I told you so a trillion years ago...

What’s do be done? We discussed that question on the Unlike Us list and here on 
nettime already from the very beginning, in 2011.

Is it an idea to organize a thousand bigger and smaller Facebook farewell 
parties? What’s for sure is that it really helps to do this out in the open, 

Who wants to start this time? A few of you approached me recently with the 
question if this would be done together, and if so, when and where. Now is the 
time, if not now, when? Come together, conspire, get things moving!

Random links:

Here is one of the instruction pages how to leave Facebook:

This is an interesting ‘Facebook’ discussion on Reddit (via Michael Dieter):

Max Krems of Europe vs. Facebook on the current situation:

Information about Cambridge Analytica in India (via Tripta Chandola):

David Carrol’s legal action against Cambridge Analytica:

More later, Geert

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