That implies that we do not have any legal standing to launch a lawsuit
over a delete button that does nothing of the sort.

It's also a tool whose existence does not preclude deleting the account.
I've designed it around my own use case, however: leaving FB as a social
network (quite visibly so, I might add -- more visibly so than a simple
deletion) while still remaining discoverable through it.

On Wed, Mar 21, 2018 at 7:59 PM, Eric Miller <> wrote:

> Don’t know what good it would do to remove the posts from the timeline.
> Most likely the ‘display’ rule is a setting in the database and is yet
> another useful datapoint for mining and analysis.  I seriously doubt the
> post itself disappears from Facebook’s systems.  Maybe Facebook’s TOC says
> they actually do delete the content when you do, but now that we’re seeing
> how well Facebook honors those privacy commitments...
> Eric
> Eric Miller
> O: 503 488 5951 / M: 503 780 1847 / SQM.IO
> > On Mar 21, 2018, at 11:54 AM, John Haltiwanger <
>> wrote:
> >
> > The idea is to remove all the activity from your timeline (backing up
> what it can along the way), but to keep the FB account open so that you can
> have a single post: the details of how to contact you elsewhere. This
> alleviates a primary anxiety of leaving: how to do so without becoming
> impossible to find.
> >
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