
Thanks for caring about it.

The political parties that could enable a dispersed transformation of the
energy system, etc, do not yet exist, and the current reality is one of
intense backlash against the slightest suggestion that we might not be
living in the industrial-extractivist 1950s. This could yet become worse,
it's obvious. But as you well know there are a growing number of people who
want to move into institutional change, out of love, out of fear, out of a
reasoned rejection of fascism and war and an unreasoned desire for
everything that is beautiful about the way the living earth has evolved up
to this point. These impulses are giving rise to social formations with
agency. I see this very strongly in the Pacific Northwest where I am doing
a project about bioregionalism. It is impressive how, for instance, a dozen
major fossil fuel exporting terminals on the Columbia River have been
stopped over the last six or seven years, including for example the Morrow
Pacific terminal that would have exported more coal than the US now
produces - and Wyoming's Powder River Basin would have just stepped up
production, no problem. The next thing to be stopped is a giant methanol
plant which would produce and export the key chemical for the making of
plastic, a chemical derived from fracked natural gas, whose producers are
seeking the Asian market (the plant itself is a Chinese project, but before
cursing the Chinese I count the number of such plants the Americans and
probably even the French have built around the world). You do not stop such
things without large grassroots movements, but it also takes formal
politics on every level to do it - especially munical governments, state
governments and tribal sovereignties, with a key role for ecosystem
advocates, aka lawyers, such as Columbia Riverkeeper from whom I'm learning
so much about these things.

Now, I realize that you are a philosopher and it is totally impotant to
draw absolute distinctions, and also never to forget that capitalism is
engaged in an accelerated process of destruction of the earth. However,
most people can't bear such thoughts, and even me, I can't do it
continuously, although I know it's important. I think that if people do not
gain some agency in these so-called reformist processes, and forge a new
connections between ethics and politics - underlain by a new, or more
likely, revitalized sense of the cosmic - then there will never be the
capacity to move further, beyond the capitalist state and the state of
things as they are. Therefore my philosophical position is one of lucid
utopianism, as opposed to the blind variety (the difference is you have
deliberately chosen to do what others will say is deluding yourself!).

Ecosystem services is a flawed concept, like Heidegger would say "the West"
is a flawed concept. I agree. But many of the people developing it believe
that in with this concept, they can establish a language to negotiate about
things that are otherwise simply not mentioned, left off the account books,
consigned to a theoretical non-existence and a real death. Those "things"
include us, people, which it's wierd to pretend don't even exist as organic
beings suceptible of getting, say, cancer, or dying from water pollution,
or not being able to compare their inner sensation of what health might be,
to an outer world where there is a robust and fragile variety of other
living beings. Our current system denies the capacity to measure either
cancer, on the one hand, or the value of a raindrop to a salmon or a tree,
on the other. But if we chop down the tree and salt the salmon we can say,
yes, they had a value because did 'em in. Ecosystem services says that if
you want to salt the salmon and chop the tree tomorrow, you have to
recognize not only their value as commodities, but also the web of life
that sustains them, without which, tomorrow no salmon, no wood. The next
step in the development of this technocratic concept is the notion that
human beings have a responsibility to provide services to the ecosystems of
which they are a part. Fortunately there is also a common word for sevices
to ecosystems, it's called "stewardship." Long live the common words and
let's put them into action!

As part of the desire to live, I would like to participate however humbly
in the attempt to create a working language of political ecology. I mean
working in the fully banal sense of the word. Because as a historian with
the sobering name of Richard White said a few decades ago, "labor...
involves human beings so thoroughly with the world that they can never be

Is the unconstructable part of the Earth, which can be disentangled, not
that real sense of the cosmic to which I just referred?

be well, my friend,

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