paul mason doesn't get national-populism right -  he called the current
italian rightist government "neoliberalism in one country" (what??) - yes
we need a big progressive front like the one varoufakis is building - for
europe - too bad britain is no longer part of it - america today is part of
the problem not the solution (unlike in the 40s) - the geopolitics has
completely changed - to stave off nationalism, racism, authoritarianism we
need a new social pact (similar to fordism in its macro elements) that
distributes the productivity of machine learning to all - a pact between
the forces representing the female and multiethnic precariat and those of
digital oligopoly - the fascist axis was defeated because liberals and
communists decided to join forces against nazism - mason is
too-trotskyite-for-his-own-good to draw an apt parallelism with today's
predicament - in fact, it's anglo-saxon socialism that is a consequence of
the crisis of neoliberalism, while trump is the cause..

On Thu, Jun 14, 2018 at 11:01 AM, nettime's avid reader <>

> Donald Trump is a symptom of the new global disorder, not the cause
> By Paul Mason
> symptom-new-global-disorder-not-cause
> In the space of three days, Donald Trump has created a new, explosive
> geopolitical reality. He nixed the outcome of a G7 summit he had
> disparaged, disrupted and departed from early. Then, with all the
> subtlety of an estate agent, he welcomed Kim Jong-un into the growing
> club of authoritarian strongmen who are intent on destroying the
> post-1989 world order.
> With the G7, we knew it was coming. Trump ran on the slogan “America
> First” and has delivered on it: he has promoted economic growth at the
> expense of the US’s lenders, and by saddling future generations with
> unpayable debts; created jobs at the expense of America’s competitors
> and launched a trade war.
> But the shape, smell and feel of the “it” would only be clear once Trump
> sat down, surrounded by the failed technocrats and globalists, in that
> now-iconic photo.
> Released by Angela Merkel’s team, it is supposed to show her as the
> strongwoman forcing Trump to accept the need for a rules-based global
> order. Instead it shows the combined geopolitical power of Germany,
> Italy, the UK, Japan, France and Canada amounting to zilch in the face
> of America’s new policy of “beggar my neighbour”.
> For certain, Trump looked stupid and, with hindsight, weak throughout
> the entire two days. He got pushed by his diplomats and the other
> leaders into signing a document he didn’t believe in. But that doesn’t
> matter: because, in the geopolitical turmoil that is about to deepen,
> the USA has three important things: the dollar, the world’s biggest
> military and a $6trn debt to the rest of the world.
> Three years ago, in Postcapitalism, I outlined two scenarios if the
> world’s elites refused to contemplate a break from the free market
> economic model. The first was long-term stagnation and austerity. In the
> second:
> “The consensus breaks. Parties of the hard right and left come to power
> as ordinary people refuse to pay the price of austerity. Instead, states
> then try to impose the costs of the crisis on each other. Globalisation
> falls apart, the global institutions become powerless and in the process
> the conflicts that have burned these past twenty years – drug wars,
> post-Soviet nationalism, jihadism, uncontrolled migration and resistance
> to it – light a fire at the centre of the system”.
> That is what has happened. Vladimir Putin’s annexation of Crimea and
> eastern Ukraine, Syriza’s clash with the eurozone, Merkel’s unilateral
> negation of the Dublin Treaty on migration, Brexit, the coup and
> counter-coup in Turkey, Trump’s victory, the victory of Poland’s Law &
> Justice party, the switch by Austrian conservatism to an alliance with
> neofascism and the installation of a far-right/populist coalition
> government in Italy.
> They are all part of a chain reaction by which powerful states try to
> impose social and economic pain on each other, or on smaller states.
> Russia and China have played their part too: Putin with the creation of
> a 19th century-style “sphere of influence” involving Iran, Syria,
> central Asia and many western dupes (one of whom may be Trump himself).
> China, meanwhile, is creating a 21st century economic empire, launching
> its state and private sector jointly into the race to become hegemonic
> in artificial intelligence, while consolidating power around Xi
> Jinping’s project of Chinese nationalism with a Marxist face.
> To see the G7’s collapse as one isolationist against a room full of
> liberal globalists, as many mainstream commentators have done, is wrong.
> Germany smashed Greek democracy and has manipulated the eurozone to
> impoverish southern Europe and suppress European demand. Theresa May
> leads a party transformed overnight into a vessel for xenophobic
> nationalism (albeit floundering around, incapable of translating its new
> convictions into actions).
> Shinzo Abe would never need to use the words “Japan first” because that
> has been the implicit policy of all Japanese governments since the Asian
> crisis of 1997. Italy, meanwhile, just completed an abject week for
> globalism by dumping 600 stranded migrants onto Spain
> The old imperial powers of Europe and Asia were already, in other words,
> engaged in the game.
> There were only two committed defenders of globalisation in its old form
> – Macron and Justin Trudeau - and, as they will now find out, the
> changed situation will soon force them, too, into measures needed to
> survive the breakdown of a rules-based order.
> The question: “what do we do?” should be on the minds of all political
> people who understand, from the example of the 1930s, what happens when
> a rules-based order is fragmented. But it’s not.
> The reason for is that, for 30 years, neoliberal ideology has been
> founded on the perfection and unchangeability of the current system: not
> just of the free market economic model and free trade, but of a global
> order underpinned by unipolar American power, Chinese isolationism and a
> Russia contained and constrained by its economic weakness.
> In a relatively short space of time – dating roughly from the Crimea
> annexation in February 2014 -  all these assumptions have evaporated.
> Economists operating with static models, political journalists assuming
> that the “machine” would capture Trump, geopolitical pundits – that most
> speculative of professional groups – understood the world order was
> fragmenting but not the causes.
> One of the greatest adverts for Marxism, in the year of Marx’s 200th
> anniversary, is that all the events described fit neatly into the
> theory. There was never a global elite, only a series of national
> bourgeoisies locked together in a system of global wealth extraction.
> Globalisation was their collaborative project: a policy, not an
> irreversible natural event.
> Subordinate classes – even classes who’ve had their organisations and
> cultures suppressed by force, like the working class communities who
> backed Trump, Brexit and Lega  – can exert pressure on elites.
> Apparently permanent forces are unstable beneath the surface. The laws
> of change work through abrupt transitions such as the one Trump
> triggered when he tweeted the cancellation of the G7 communique in mid-air.
> I don’t care whether you call it Marxism or merely “sinuous, complex
> dialectical thinking about reality based on impermanence and economic
> determinism and class power analysis”. Without it you cannot formulate
> the question “what do we do?” adequately.
> For that question should really be: what do we do about long-term
> economic stagnation, which has led to a rush for the exits from the
> multilateral global system, posing the possibility of trade wars, the
> fragmentation of the global finance system, military conflict and a
> threat to the global architecture that protects universal human rights?
> I fear the moment is past where that question can be answered inside a
> global institution. Indeed, the true global institutions, like the IMF
> and the Bank for International Settlements must be asking themselves
> searching questions about who they will serve in future. Is it
> conceivable that, within 20 years, the IMF will become a tool for China
> to impose its values and economic doctrines on the world, as it was for
> the US in the 1980s and 1990s? Is it conceivable that a globally
> co-ordinated central banking system can survive when treasures and
> central banks take up the game of beggar thy neighbour in earnest?
> I have become notorious on the left for insisting that the “we” of
> progressive politics no longer means primarily the organised working
> class. The agent of history that will need to summon enough social power
> to rebuild something like a global order is the networked consumer and
> citizen. As the elites flee from globalism, its progressive values
> remain implicit in the lifestyles of the networked and
> cosmopolitan-minded educated populace.
> So what can we - should we - do?
> The answer is: design and execute a new kind of capitalism that meets
> the needs of people in the developed world. The design is not
> impossible: the elements of it lie in the provision of universal basic
> incomes or services, a Green New Deal, rapid automation and the creation
> of increased leisure time, massive investments in education, and an end
> to outsourcing, offshoring and privatisation.
> We can either do this collectively, as Europe, or the G7, or as NAFTA.
> Or, more likely, as a series of national projects where borrowing to
> invest, printing money where necessary and stimulating moderate
> inflation creates the same - albeit unstable - synergies as in the
> “thirty glorious years” after 1945.
> For the left it means thinking beyond party designations. In Britain,
> the Greens, Momentum, maybe 50-plus truly Corbynite Labour MPs, half the
> SNP and the diffuse membership of two or three big NGOs are those who
> really get it. In Europe, however, many green parties have become
> bastions of neoliberal complacency: they will be musing on the
> possibility of degrowth and digging their organic allotments the moment
> the AfD and the Front National take power.
> As for social democracy, it falls into three camps: outright
> conservative economic nationalists, as in Slovakia; enthusiastic
> participants in the failed neoliberal model, as in Germany; and people
> like Austria’s Christian Kern – a technocrat flung into a crisis who had
> to throw away the playbook – or Spain’s Pedro Sanchez, who understand
> the need to reconnect and rethink. And of course Jeremy Corbyn and
> Bernie Sanders.
> We now need an alliance of parties, movements and individuals who are
> not going to fight for the system that has failed but to imagine a new
> one: a capitalism that delivers prosperity to Wigan, Newport and
> Kirkcaldy, if necessary by not delivering it to Bombay, Dubai and Shenzhen.
> Is that an argument for economic nationalism? No, rather an
> internationalism that says to the rest of the world: if the developed,
> democratic countries of Europe, America and Asia collapse into
> authoritarian rule, the 400-year upswing of industrial societies
> alongside democracy will have, once again, stalled  - and, with China's
> inevitable hegemony, it might go into reverse.
> To save what we can of the multilateral order, we need to reverse out of
> its extreme forms. It’s a tragedy that it took the Five Star Movement in
> Italy to argue for a pre-Maastricht form of the EU. That position is
> implicit in the left’s critique of the eurozone and of German
> mercantilism. As progressives, not nostalgics, however, we should argue
> for a post-Lisbon Europe.
> But even saving the multilateral order might now prove impossible. If
> the situation collapses into all-out trade war, the repudiation of the
> Geneva Conventions and the Universal Declaration of Human rights, the
> factionalisation of the IMF and – the ultimate horror – mutual debt
> defaults, then the point is to go on imagining how we can set things right.
> J.M.Keynes, who had predicted the doom that overtook Europe in the early
> 1930s, and continuously struggled to keep the global system together,
> reacted to its collapse in 1939 by working on a new design.
> In September 1941, with Leningrad surrounded and the US not yet even in
> the war, Keynes sat down to write Proposals for an International
> Currency Union. He designed a self-correcting global system with a
> global bank, a global currency a development bank and a reserve fund.
> Keynes never convinced the Americans (or the Russians) of his scheme,
> but an adequate version of it was adopted at Bretton Woods, unleashed an
> unparalleled period of prosperity, and still underpins the global
> financial architecture, despite the formal collapse of Bretton Woods in
> 1973.
> The question that concerned Keynes and his US counterpart Harry Dexter
> White in 1941 was simply: what will the world economy look like after we
> have defeated fascism, ended the conflict between imperial powers and
> restored the international rule of law?
> That’s the kind of question the iconic Trump-Merkel photograph should
> now prompt among the beleaguered political progressives of the West.
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