Thanks for sending. Enjoyed reading about history of sci-hub,, libgen, and
other information access efforts. Guess we are starting to see something
similar with pre-prints (at least in my field, psychology; think they've
been around for a while in other fields). Know one academic that
exclusively reads pre-prints. I've had some classes that read a good amount
of pre-prints in addition to standard pubs. Econ has culture (or so I've
been told) of posting papers to pre-print server and discussing for a while
before pub; formal journal pub ends up just a formality because people
already aware of paper. In psych, we've had one recommendation in a journal
pub to switch to something like that. Different cultures than simply
accessing information but similar idea of getting around publishers

On Sat, Jul 14, 2018 at 3:00 AM, <> wrote:

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> Today's Topics:
>    1. Shadow libraries in the Washington Post (tbyfield)
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Message: 1
> Date: Fri, 13 Jul 2018 10:38:12 -0400
> From: tbyfield <>
> To: Nettime-l <>
> Subject: <nettime> Shadow libraries in the Washington Post
> Message-ID: <>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8; format=flowed
> What a pleasant thing to see this morning ? a razor-sharp overview by
> Joe Karaganis and Balazs Bodo. In the Washington Post, no less.
> Cheers,
> T
> <
> 07/13/russia-is-building-a-new-napster-but-for-academic-research/
>  >
> Russia is building a new Napster -- but for academic research
> By Joe Karaganis and Balazs Bodo
> July 13 at 7:00 AM
> What will future historians will see as the major Russian contribution
> to early 21st-century Internet culture? It might not be troll farms and
> other strategies for poisoning public conversation -- but rather, the
> democratization of access to scientific and scholarly knowledge. Over
> the last decade, Russian academics and activists have built free,
> remarkably comprehensive online archives of scholarly works. What
> Napster was to music, the Russian shadow libraries are to knowledge.
> Much of the current attention to these libraries focuses on Sci-Hub, a
> huge online library created by Kazakhstan-based graduate student
> Aleksandra Elbakyan. Started in 2011, Sci-Hub has made freely available
> an archive of over 60 million articles, drawn primarily from paywalled
> databases of major scientific publishers. Its audience is massive and
> global. In 2017, the service provided nearly 200 million downloads.
> Because most scholars in high-income countries already have paid access
> to the major research databases through their university libraries, its
> main beneficiaries are students and faculty from middle- and low-income
> countries, who frequently do not.
> Such underground flows of knowledge from more- to less-privileged
> universities are not new. But they used to depend on slower and
> less-reliable networks, such as developing-world students and faculty
> traveling to and from Western universities, bringing back photocopies
> and later hard drives full of scholarly work. Sci-Hub scaled this
> process up to meet the demand of an increasingly interconnected global
> scientific community, where the first barrier to participation was
> access to research.
> Why Russia?
> Academic copying and sharing has created shadow libraries all over the
> world. But only the Russian versions have grown into large-scale global
> libraries. This was not an accident. From the 1960s on, Russian
> intellectual life depended heavily on clandestine copying and
> distribution of texts -- on the "samizdat" networks that distributed
> uncensored literature and news. The fall of communism ended censorship.
> But it also left Russian readers, libraries and publishers impoverished,
> trading political constraints for economic ones.
> The arrival of cheap scanners and computers fueled the growth of new
> self-organized libraries. By the second half of the 1990s, the Russian
> Internet -- RuNet -- was awash in book digitization projects run by
> intellectuals, activists and other bibliophiles. Texts migrated from
> print to digital and sometimes back again. Efforts to consolidate these
> projects also sprung up by the dozens. Such digital librarianship was
> the antithesis of official Soviet book culture, as it was free,
> bottom-up, democratic and uncensored. It also provided a modicum of
> cultural agency to Russian intellectuals amid the economic ruin of the
> 1990s.
> The big Russian shadow libraries emerged from this mix of clandestine
> librarianship, economic crisis, technological change and -- at the state
> level -- regulatory incapacity. By the early 2000s, these shadow
> librarians had digitized much of the highest-value Russian scientific
> and literary work. By the mid 2000s, the largest of these efforts had
> consolidated into an archive called Library Genesis, or LibGen.
> LibGen equated survival with redundancy, and so made both its collection
> and its software available to others. Almost anyone could clone the
> library, and many did. By the late 2000s, the most prominent was the
> Gigapedia (later called, which began to build a large
> English-language collection. When a copyright lawsuit by Western
> publishers took down the Gigapedia in 2012, its collection was
> re-assimilated into LibGen.
> Sci-Hub was built around similar principles. When a user requested an
> article, Sci-Hub automatically downloaded that article from publisher
> databases, using borrowed faculty credentials. Sci-Hub then archived the
> article with LibGen, to fulfill any subsequent requests.
> Now, Sci-Hub has its own archive, and LibGen serves as a backup.
> According to Elbakyan, the complete archive has been copied many times.
> But what about the legal implications?
> Much of this activity violates U.S. and international copyright law. In
> June 2017, a New York district court awarded $15 million to Elsevier,
> one of the handful of publishers that control most of the world's
> academic journals, in its lawsuit against Sci-Hub and LibGen. This
> hasn't stopped either service. But the legal pressure has forced Sci-Hub
> to periodically change hosting services and access methods. None of the
> LibGen administrators are named in the suit, but Elbakyan could face
> criminal charges if she travels to the United States.
> All this has amplified academia's ongoing and intensifying debate about
> publishing ethics. Many academics regard their work as part of an open,
> cumulative and universal human project. Taxpayer dollars support a large
> amount of academic research, so much so that both the United States and
> European Union have open access requirements for publicly funded work --
> although they have not yet fully figured out how to fund that
> requirement. Some Western academics have been boycotting publishers
> viewed as profiting unreasonably from their role as middlemen between
> academics and their own scholarship.
> What comes next?
> The U.S. and European open access mandates point to a future that looks
> a lot like a legal Sci-Hub: cheap, open and all you can eat. And this
> future appears to be getting closer. In mid-May, the largest Swedish
> university library consortium dropped its contract with Elsevier,
> objecting to the price of database access. Universities have taken
> similar actions in Germany and France. In practice, libraries have more
> leverage in these negotiations because of Sci-Hub, which offers
> researchers a back channel to Elsevier-published articles.
> As with the music industry, it's possible that the publishers themselves
> will provide these better services and thereby marginalize their pirate
> competitors. As with music, publishers are learning that controlling the
> platform can be more lucrative than owning the content -- a shift that
> has underwritten a variety of publisher experiments with open or hybrid
> access models. It's also possible that the combination of legal pressure
> abroad and an increasingly repressive Russian state will break the
> online and personal networks that sustain the Sci-Hub/LibGen ecosystem.
> In the meantime, the Russian shadow libraries will continue to support
> the global research community, shift the balance of power between
> libraries and publishers, and -- perhaps most important -- raise faculty
> and students' expectations about what meaningful access to knowledge
> entails, which publishers and universities will need to evolve to meet.
> They will, in short, keep the pressure on to find legal ways to expand
> access for the tens of millions of new students and researchers entering
> global higher education.
> Joe Karaganis (@jjkaraganis) is vice president at the American Assembly,
> a public policy institute at Columbia University, and editor of "Shadow
> Libraries: Access to Knowledge in Global Higher Education" (MIT Press,
> 2018), downloadable free.
> Balazs Bodo (@bodobalazs) is a senior research scientist at the
> Institute for Information Law, University of Amsterdam.
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> End of nettime-l Digest, Vol 130, Issue 13
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Stephen Antonoplis
(818) 317-4105
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