I know you guys are all riled up, but it would be worth chilling out. As a reader of this thread I'd like to point out that nobody has either 'won' or 'lost' it, but the degeneration in the tone is a classic side-effect of the echoing ping-pong of faceless digital communication where the signal gets more and more distorted. Can the participants please take a deep breath, have a walk, acknowledge each other's unique humanity, and then maybe meet in a pub to actually have a civil conversation. If there is anything we know, it's that nobody gets anywhere in this movement by treating each other like enemies


@suitpossum <https://twitter.com/Suitpossum>

On 28/10/2018 10:04, Alexander Bard wrote:
Hahahaha, and there comes the Rousseuian personal attack. Exactly my point. There are apparently people so evil and dangerous that the mere mentioning of their names disqualifies the mentioner from any further attachment. See Ian's outburst below. Are the gallows what await me next? While I thought Nettime was s forum for grown-ups - in which case separating person and opinion (meaning Nelson Mandela may be wrong and Adolf Hitler may be right on details) - is a fundamental requirement, Ian wants this to be a kindergarden faux discussion forum for the good children isolating themselves against the evil children on the outside. Superiority versus inferiority in the moralist struggle. Sooo Rousseauian. And exactly what is so fundamentally pathologiocal and infantile with identity politics. What could possibly be a more Rousseuian attitude than that? I happily dine with everybody and anybody without becoming them. As my great dad taught me when I was five years old. And if The Left may not even listen to and learn from Candace Owens, Nick Land and/or Adolf Hitler for that matter, then whatever that Left is, deserves to die its current slow death into total irrelevance. It is not a proletarian left at all, it's just a church lady left. But I'm all for The New Left. A return to Freud and Marx. And I'm happy my message in a bottle in this forum worked big time considering how many offlist new amazing contacts my postings created. Nettime is still very much alive (thank the God who does not exist) even if not on the mailing list itself. And Ian, our dear historian of identitarianism Asad Haider will never attract any masses. Because he again does not have a narrative to attract anybody. Except possibly for the eternal self-victims that Marx so grandly despised.
Thank you, everybody!
Alexander Bard

Den lör 27 okt. 2018 kl 23:46 skrev Ian Alan Paul <ianalanp...@gmail.com <mailto:ianalanp...@gmail.com>>:

    "Like charismatic Candace Owens says on Fox News these days, race
    does not exist to her. Neither does it to me. And gender is merely
    a rough but not fixed orientation toward dividual archetypes of
    tribal contribution."

    What a strikingly ahistorical, antimaterialist, and ideological
    statement. Anyone who finds Candace Owens and Nick Land
    salvageable deserves no attention, and certainly no serious
    consideration or dialogue. Best of luck with your fantasy of a
    pure universal class which exists only for itself as an
    abstraction thoroughly divorced from reality.

    On Sat, Oct 27, 2018 at 5:34 PM Alexander Bard
    <bardiss...@gmail.com <mailto:bardiss...@gmail.com>> wrote:

        Dear Ian

        It's great that you bring up Asad Haider because he is a
        brilliant historian of identity politics and I agree with him
        that the big shift happened in 1977. But while for Haider 1977
        meant a deepening of emancipatory struggle to include feminist
        and anti-racist minoritarian causes that he insists were
        ignored prior to then, I disagree and mean that this shift was
        rather an ideological turn away from Marx straight into the
        arms of Rousseau and no deepening at all but rather a massive
        loss. The preoccupation became one of medial attention (the
        attentionalist call for "has everybody been seen and heard"
        rather than the socialist call for "has everybody been given
        the means and resources toward equal opportunity") instead of
        class struggle proper and has remained so ever since.

        Once this dramatic shift of "leftist activism" met with
        postmodernism's hatred of the grand narrative as idea (which I
        as a Hegelian insist is in itself just another form of
        subconscious grand narrative) we ended up with the mess we
        have today. Laclau's and Mouffe's hegemonic race to the
        bottom. Specialized subcultural struggles "within" rather than
        "away from" victimhood with no clear vision in sight.
        Meanwhile that clear goal will always be lacking unless there
        is a grand heroic narrative that connects the struggles and
        lifts up its participants to a tribal and today also hopefully
        global whole.

        My work is therefore all about tribal anthropology instead
        (tribes in Greenland, Botswana, New Guinea and China are all
        alike) now moving into data anthropology about contemporary
        humans to build a universal story of the tribe in all its
        variety and diversity. This is the return to Marx that I
        insist on. Like charismatic Candace Owens says on Fox News
        these days, race does not exist to her. Neither does it to me.
        And gender is merely a rough but not fixed orientation toward
        dividual archetypes of tribal contribution. Without any
        Rousseuian fantasies allowed on any levels.

        Because only class is class and only class har universal
        validity. Laclau's and Zizek's dream of the particular
        personifying the universal was never more than a wordgame
        anyway. It is through shared vision (a fetish as opposed to an
        abject) that we can find a shared agenda. Not by distributing
        medial attention according to ultimately infantile needs.
        Because that's no better than Trump himself.

        Best intentions
        Alexander Bard

        Den lör 27 okt. 2018 kl 21:27 skrev Ian Alan Paul
        <ianalanp...@gmail.com <mailto:ianalanp...@gmail.com>>:

            If you you think being of critical and suspicious of
            theological metanarratives is intellectually lazy, wait
            until you hear about faux-Marxist class reductionism!

            In all seriousness, for those of you looking for actually
            useful analyses of the complex relations between identity,
            class, and emancipation, you couldn't do much better than
            Asad Haider's recently published "Mistaken Identity" (
            https://www.versobooks.com/books/2716-mistaken-identity ),
            which draws on the history of black radicalism to arrive
            at some truly exciting answers.


            On Sat, Oct 27, 2018 at 12:06 PM Alexander Bard
            <bardiss...@gmail.com <mailto:bardiss...@gmail.com>> wrote:

                Dear Joseph

                While you resentfully remain obsessed with my tonality
                and my etiquette (as if this was some smelling
                salt-driven cocktail party at a ship doomed to sink) I
                do prefer to stay with the topic I brought up.
                Forget about me. Ans forget about Joseph's
                preoccupation with my style and whatever bitter
                personal vendettas he is projecting, I'm into the
                topic of what the left might or could be. And with
                postmodernists ringing alarm bells at any attempt at
                creating a grand narrative while the world is on fire,
                may I ask, is this all you can achieve? What is that
                if not the most mortidinal, death- and tit-worshipping
                pathetic anti-narrative there ever was?
                It's very comfortable to say "I don't know" but as far
                as I'm concerned the answer - while pretending to be
                cautiously honest - reveals nothing but ignorance and
                intellectual laziness.
                However it is easy to see where it all comes from,
                this so called "left" has returned to the comforts of
                Rousseau's kindergarden fantasies and is more
                preoccupied with keeping academic tenure, posing with
                the correct virtues, than with fostering and mentoring
                a new generation of leftist radicals focused on the
                potential of open source platforms toward a
                collaborative collective intelligence. The project
                that should be and still could be the genuine leftism
                of the 21st century. The rest you can read in my books
                "Syntheism" and "Digital Libido". Yes, the first one
                is about Intelligence becoming God and the second one
                is on how we still underrate Hegel and Freud when
                trying to understand our current predicament. But it's
                all forward-looking and grand narrative-building. As
                this is what we need today.
                Oh, a great many thanks for the offlist endorsements I
                have received the last three days from Nettime
                members. However if those endorsements end up in my
                private mailbox rather than on Nettime itself, then
                perhaps this mailing list is better suited for some
                kind of nostalgia for the pre-Trump era or something?
                I have that still to figure out. I personally prefer
                to looking forward and solving deadlocks. But no prestige.
                Deleuze genuinely mixed Nietzsche and Marx, he was an
                absolutely heroic philosopher. Totally opposed to
                Rousseau. So what do you think Deleuze would have
                thought of today's social media-driven victimhood
                obsessions? Yes, I miss Nick Land here. We are close
                these days.

                Best intentions and utmost humility

                Den lör 27 okt. 2018 kl 14:24 skrev Joseph Rabie
                <j...@overmydeadbody.org <mailto:j...@overmydeadbody.org>>:

                    Alexander addresses me with an injunction and
                    second-guesses my answer: "What is your tactic?
                    Further excuses for not dealing with the crisis of
                    the left?"

                    My answer is that I do not have the slightest
                    idea, and that anyone who claims to have one is
                    either a liar, fool, or utopian dictator. And
                    insofar as utopian dictatorship is concerned,
                    Alexander espouses a "politico-theological
                    project", a title that has all my alarm bells going.

                    Indeed, Alexander reduces the complexity of the
                    world to a sterile, doctrinal dialectic that
                    denies the sophistication of reality.

                    I regret being so disobliging, but in my opinion
                    Alexander's prose is intellectual, political and
                    literary logorrhoea, in no way conducive to
                    dealing constructively with the issues at hand.

                    Joseph Rabie.

                    Le 26 oct. 2018 à 20:33, Alexander Bard
                    <mailto:bardiss...@gmail.com>> a écrit :

                    Dear Joseph

                    Yes, I said I made a grotesque simplification.
                    That was my point. What else is new? Have I
                    claimed anything else?
                    If we don't start to see the difference between a
                    victimhood-driven and a hero-driven left, then
                    how are we going to spot our own weaknesses?
                    Where do you start yourself?
                    Because I'm one of many many leftists who return
                    to Marx these days since Identity Politics has
                    become nothing but an endless tirade of
                    complaints with no creative solutions or
                    constructive routes up and out in sight. It
                    really is Rousseau and his tabula rasa idea of
                    humanity all over again. Moralism instead of
                    pragmatism. And it has been growing since the
                    1970's and now dominates whatever leftist social
                    media we still have.
                    That's not Marxism. That's a parody of Marxism.
                    Celebrating the lumpen proletariat instead of
                    heading directly for what proletarian heroism
                    could be in the 21st century. No wonder that 95%
                    of social crowdfunding goes into the pockets of
                    the libertarian right these days. Leftists do not
                    even support each other any longer. At least not
                    for more than three days.
                    What is your own answer? What ties us together?
                    Only banal hatred of Trump, or a true vision for
                    the future, a genuine politico-theological
                    project that get people going?
                    Sometimes simplifications do the job. What is
                    your tactic? Further excuses for not dealing with
                    the crisis of the left?

                    Best intentions
                    Alexander Bard

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