What would Marxist answer to those who like Berkley do argue against the
existence of Matter in the struggles ?

Le ven. 2 nov. 2018 à 6:08 PM, Alexander Bard <bardiss...@gmail.com> a
écrit :

> Dear Alice
> If you refer to what I wrote, then please let me correct you. I never said
> that gender is a social ghost. I said that race is a social ghost. There is
> no such thing as race outside of bigoted people's limited imagination. Skin
> color makes us no different from one another than hair or eye color. Which
> is why all forms of racism are invalid. Prejudices are best fought with
> empowerment and facts, not with infinite (self)victimization. Call the
> prejudiced out on their ignorance, not on some kind of banal moralism.
> Gender exists ontically and not just ontologically. As does androgynity
> between the genders. And all three categories serve excellent and equally
> important roles in the community. I'm a radical egalitarian for good and
> sold scientific reasons. Tribal mapping theory even includes a forth
> category labeled "the shamanic caste" for added tribal queerness, the
> go-betweens of all genders that walk between tribes. There you go, pretty
> much all people included in that model, my favorite model for future
> socialism.
> However class beats everything else when it comes to political struggle. I
> just read and found out both Slavoj Zizek and Alain Badiou agree strongly
> with me on this note. Not that namedropping is an argument, just another
> example of how there is a major backlash brewing against identitarianism's
> claim toward becoming the core of the left. I firmly believe such a
> Rousseauian turn would be a devastating mistake. Back to Marx, please!
> Best to fight sexism and racism (of all kinds) through facts and
> empowerment. Subordinated to that one factor that overdetermines the social
> arena as a whole, the good old well-performed class analysis.
> With violence too if needed. You're certainly not going to find people
> like me among the passive-aggressive trolls in the pacifism camp.
> Best intentions and I believe over and out for now
> Alexander
> Den fre 2 nov. 2018 kl 17:52 skrev Alice Yang <alice.lan.y...@gmail.com>:
>> Trust me, race and gender are not social ghosts. They have extremely
>> material consequences.
>> On Fri, Nov 2, 2018 at 12:48 AM Alexander Bard <bardiss...@gmail.com>
>> wrote:
> Dear Justin
>>> Was Karl Marx an idealist or a materialist? I'm perfectly happy to leave
>>> that for you and others to decide. Because I'm a pragmatist and my ideas
>>> are pragmatist and the rest is just wordplay to me. I'm interested in
>>> factual truth and in whether something works or does not work. I'm also
>>> interested in opinion being challenged on its own merit. Therefore I
>>> radically separate person and opinion. The whole idea that who speaks
>>> affects the value of what is being said is just value relativism of the
>>> worst kind. I know this is a popular kindergarden game among identitarians
>>> of both the extreme right and the extreme left (as if "being seen and
>>> heard" must be divided equally among some five-year-olds). Because I can
>>> see no other value in this habit than infantile attention-seeking. Which
>>> means it is in itself victim-seeking and therefore victimhood-encouraging
>>> and certainly not heroic and empowering for anybody. And I can't think of
>>> anything less Marxist than that. As I said, identitarianism is Rousseau
>>> through and through. How it even sneaked into "The Left" beats me.
>>> Everybody should radically be allowed to speak and each argument should
>>> be judged on its own merits, not according to who forwards it. That
>>> strengthens the overall the debate the most. That is if you're interested
>>> in debates having successful and productive outcomes. At least I am.
>>> Anything else is just a waste of valuable time. So does race exist? Yes, it
>>> does, undeniably, but only as a social ghost. My brother and I had no idea
>>> one of us was black and of us was white until we where 14. We had no idea
>>> we ought to have cared. Now we can spend our entire lives going on and on
>>> about social ghosts and, like David pointed out, end up being the very
>>> people who defend and keep the social ghosts the most and the longest.
>>> However I find that tragic. I want to move on. And class being firmly tied
>>> to capital and power is therefore the factual overarching category under
>>> which we can then deal with minor issues like race and gender. Effectively.
>>> Now if that is not a materialist argument as much as an activist one, then
>>> I don't know what is. If anything is idealist and not materialist it must
>>> certainly be the obsession with social ghosts. But sure, the I and the M
>>> labels are yours to decide. I could not care less.
>>> Best intentions
>>> Alexander
>>> Den fre 2 nov. 2018 kl 04:00 skrev Justin Charles <
>>> justinrobertchar...@gmail.com>:
>> Coming in late to this thread but the anti-identity current that's
>>>> growing more and more prevalent on the left lately seems to be somewhat in
>>>> opposition to contrary to materialism. To say that "class is class and
>>>> only class has universal validity" strikes me as pretty idealist, not
>>>> materialist. OneWhile race may not exist to Alexander Bard and Candace
>>>> Owens, I'd argue that maybe it doesn't exist for them because materially it
>>>> need not. Alexander is a white man. Candace Owens, while a black woman, has
>>>> a class position that allows her to skip some over much of what it looks
>>>> like to be black for most black people, who aren't well-compensated
>>>> conservative (or liberal) commentators. Most black people's class position
>>>> is deeply intertwined with the color of their skin. I don't think I need to
>>>> go into the historical reasons for this. I'd also say that Asad
>>>> Haider's book was in no way championing victimhood. If that's what one
>>>> takes away from it then they've read an entirely different book than I did.
>>>> On Sun, Oct 28, 2018 at 12:05 PM tbyfield <tbyfi...@panix.com> wrote:
>>> Ian, this idea of 'civility' should be unpacked a bit, because the ~word
>>>>> lumps together a disparate range of concerns. At its worst, a lot of
>>>>> babble about civility boils down to is tone-policing, which relies on
>>>>> etiquette as an all-purpose tool for micromanaging rhetoric — and in
>>>>> doing so, limiting and even delegitimizing positions of every type
>>>>> (subjective, relational, political, whatever). In other contexts —
>>>>> notably, in 'centrist' politics in the US — it serves as a rationale
>>>>> for institutionalist pliability: 'bipartisan' cooperation, etc. But
>>>>> those two uses are very different from its function as a foil for the
>>>>> frightening prospect of outright political violence. These different
>>>>> strands, or layers if you like, are hopelessly tangled, and that
>>>>> confusion in itself has serious consequences — hence the culturalist
>>>>> use of the word 'strategy,' which often is used to get at the nebulous
>>>>> realm in which individual behavior aligns with (or 'is constitutive
>>>>> of')
>>>>> abstract, impersonal forces. That's a very roundabout way to get at
>>>>> the
>>>>> obvious problem, which is the direct way that increasingly uncivil
>>>>> political discourse foments violence. And, in a way, that's the
>>>>> problem:
>>>>> the left's path for translating ideals into political practices is
>>>>> hobbled and misdirected at every stage, whereas for the right it's
>>>>> becoming all too direct.
>>>>> My gut sense is that Land is symptomatic of the left's repudiation of
>>>>> force — violence — as a legitimate form of politics. Some, like him,
>>>>> sense that and embark a theoretical trajectory that tacitly accepts or
>>>>> even actively embraces violence. I'll leave that there, because I
>>>>> don't
>>>>> want to debate it or even to see a debate about it on this list.
>>>>> Nettime
>>>>> is fragile, and decades of accumulated effort could be poisoned with a
>>>>> few, um, 'uncivil' messages. There was a time when the solution was
>>>>> widely said to be more speech, but at a time when 'more speech' means
>>>>> trollbot networks that systematically and strategically subvert civil
>>>>> contexts I think that rule is more problematic than ever.
>>>>> As for Bard, whenever his mail appears in inbox my first reaction is
>>>>> "When's the new book coming out?" But that's a rhetorical question —
>>>>> no answer needed, thanks.
>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>> Ted
>>>>> On 28 Oct 2018, at 10:48, Ian Alan Paul wrote:
>>>>> > Brett - I don't think that the problem of the Left is that we don't
>>>>> > spend
>>>>> > enough time with people who think it's worthwhile to discuss the
>>>>> > potential
>>>>> > virtues of "Candace Owens, Nick Land and/or Adolf Hitler." If
>>>>> > anything, the
>>>>> > Left needs to thoroughly rid itself of the liberal and depoliticizing
>>>>> > notion that we should all simply get along in the name of preserving
>>>>> > civility, esp. in a historical moment while fascist gangs are
>>>>> > literally
>>>>> > roaming the streets beating up migrants, synagogues are being shot
>>>>> up,
>>>>> > and
>>>>> > pipe bombs are being mailed to politicians.
>>>>> >
>>>>> > I don't think Alexander's ideas are worth engaging with or even
>>>>> > refuting to
>>>>> > be entirely honest, as I hope is obvious to most people on Nettime
>>>>> by
>>>>> > this
>>>>> > point. We live in times that are too extreme and urgent to expend any
>>>>> > attention or energy dialoguing with disingenuous apologists for the
>>>> > Right .t <http://instagram.com/alicesparklykat>
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