Just adding my two cents, as per the call. :)

I only discovered nettime in the last few months. I'm a computer-child, I've 
grown up on the net, and one of the people who now take a more conservative or 
critical approach to tech. I came here because I am trying to develop as an 
artist, working with the net as a medium and reflecting critically on the net 
and its constituent parts. I don't post in to every thread because a lot of the 
time I don't have anything worthwhile to add, but I appreciate reading: most of 
the contributions on this list are really insightful.

The fact that people are posting meta threads like this is a good sign to me, I 
appreciate a community that can take a critical view of itself. If nettime does 
rap up, let me know where you all go, I'd like to talk more. :)


On 7 June 2019 18:38:46 BST, nettime mod squad <nett...@kein.org> wrote:
>Nettime is in bad shape, don't you think?
>It has still a lot of goodwill, and more generally there's renewed
>interest in formats of exchange and collective thinking that
>aren't defined by the logic of social media. But the dynamics that
>social media companies exploit are hardly limited to a handful of
>platforms. For example, nettime has its own 'influencers' -- a 1%,
>so to speak -- who generate the vast majority of list traffic.
>That's been true for years. The discussions they sustain may
>variously seem interesting or annoying, but either way they've
>become somewhat formulaic. An attentive reader knows more or less
>what to expect based solely the subject and the sender; and even
>meta-discussions about whether the list is dominated or by this or
>that tendency are largely dominated by the same few people.
>Some might argue the debates that have animated nettime over the
>last year -- the trajectories of postwar society, neoliberalism,
>the 'digital,' complexity, surveillance and big tech, Brexit,
>media and elections, Assange, even the Anthropocene in all its
>terrifying inclusiveness -- are the defining issues of the day.
>Maybe so. But if the nettime project had settled for a consensus
>model of the defining issues of the mid-'90s, it would never have
>gotten off the ground, and it certainly wouldn't exist almost 25
>years later. The challenge, we think, is to maintain a space that
>attracts ill-defined ideas and uncertain issues -- things and
>not-things that don't quite exist yet and yet haven't been buried
>under torrents of authority and theory.
>So, what can we do?
>In the past, we've asked people to think about outreach -- say,
>inviting new people from new contexts. It seems like that's had
>limited success; but at a time when nettime has been limping
>along, it's hard to get excited about inviting people to join an
>environment so heavily defined by habit. We've also joked that
>shutting it down before it fades into complete senescence might be
>best. But that joke wasn't really funny, in part because it wasn't
>meant to be: it was a way of expressing serious concerns about the
>list's increasingly parochial status.
>Now, we have a simple proposal: let's switch roles.
>It goes like this:
>If you've posted more than others to the list in the last 60 or 90
>or 120 or 180 days -- the math matters less than the spirit -- take
>a break. Let others define nettime, a space made up of nearly 5000
>If you haven't posted to the list -- say, because it seemed like
>your ideas, concerns, or whatever you want to share wouldn't fit
>with nettime's habits -- maybe that will change.
>Think of it as an un-grand experiment: a way to see what else
>might happen, who else might speak, what less familiar ideas,
>perspectives, or styles might spring up. Maybe the list will fade
>into silence, and we'll be left with a paradoxical object, a list
>composed *entirely* of lurkers -- not such a bad non-end for
>nettime. Or maybe not. There might be many ways to find out. For
>now, rather than the 1% debating how narrowly to define good
>manners, let's see if a different 'we' can change things.
>-- the mod squad (Ted and Felix)
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>#  <nettime>  is a moderated mailing list for net criticism,
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