Hi Felix and Ted,

On 05/03/2020 07:43, nettime's mods wrote:
> Very few people have noticed that the list was down for more than a month.
> Indeed, even we didn't noticed this immediately. It's up again now, but...
> But this isn't a good sign. First, it shows that nettime's
> 'infrastructure' is brittle, and, second, that no one's paying much
> attention to the list.

On your first point, if you're having difficulty maintaining a stable
setup, maybe you would like to move the list to a different server? I'm
part of the collective running lists.aktivix.org and I think you would
be welcome there (I would have to check with my friends, of course).

I disagree with your second point. I am on lots of lists that have long
periods of inactivity interspersed with spikes of messaging. I enjoy
reading nettime and I accept the sporadic nature of postings as part of
the ride.

> Rather than spark another one of those discussions, we think this is a
> good occasion to think more deeply about a long-term solution for
> nettime's *archive*. It spans almost 25 years and is a testament both to
> an amazing conjuncture — a period of time and a a collective effort to
> understand the digitally enabled social and cultural transformations in
> real time.
> If anyone has any good suggestions — preferably something concrete and
> actionable — then please let us know.

OK, here's my suggestion: move to lists.aktivix.org and the archive can
be made available at https://lists.aktivix.org/pipermail/listname

Also, ensure that the pipermail archive is indexed by archive.org

Make sense?


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