Great job getting Nettime back up again!

Regarding archiving, how big is the Nettime Archive? How is it currently stored?

Regarding not noticing that the list was down - I did - or rather, I noticed that nobody was posting.

But, as is the way with the online world, any stream of interesting discussion or commentary that's missing is immediately replaced by another interesting stream of discussion or commentary that's present.

There's no such thing as a gap on the internet.

Or rather, there are many, many gaps, but they're in no way apparent - you have to look for them. I'm sure that if you start researching an area in which you are, personally, knowledgable, you'll come across them quickly.

It's a very tempting illusion to think that "all human knowledge exists on the internet". It doesn't. And without Nettime, a little piece of network self-awareness would be lost.

All the best,


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