Statement From Chelsea Manning’s Legal Team: Ms. Manning is Recovering
in Hospital, Scheduled to Appear in Court Friday

Alexandria, VA — On Wednesday, March 11, 2020, Chelsea Manning attempted
to take her own life. She was taken to a hospital and is currently

Ms. Manning is still scheduled to appear on Friday for a
previously-calendared hearing, at which Judge Anthony Trenga will rule
on a motion to terminate the civil contempt sanctions stemming from her
May, 2019 refusal to give testimony before a grand jury investigating
the publication of her 2010 disclosures.

In spite of those sanctions — which have so far included over a year of
so-called “coercive” incarceration and nearly half a million dollars in
threatened fines — she remains unwavering in her refusal to participate
in a secret grand jury process that she sees as highly susceptible to

Ms. Manning has previously indicated that she will not betray her
principles, even at risk of grave harm to herself.

Writing in a 2019 letter to Judge Trenga, Ms. Manning said: “I object to
this grand jury … as an effort to frighten journalists and publishers,
who serve a crucial public good. I have had these values since I was a
child, and I’ve had years of confinement to reflect on them. For much of
that time, I depended for survival on my values, my decisions, and my
conscience. I will not abandon them now.”

Her actions today evidence the strength of her convictions, as well as
the profound harm she continues to suffer as a result of her ‘civil’
confinement — a coercive practice that the United Nations Special
Rapporteur on Torture, Nils Melzer, recently said violates international

Prior to her current incarceration, Ms. Manning served seven years in a
military prison under unusually difficult conditions, including eleven
months of solitary confinement.

For more information about Chelsea’s ongoing legal situation visit:

Read Chelsea’s letter to Judge Anthony Trenga HERE

Read more about the UN Rapporteur on Torture’s letter calling for her
release HERE

Those interested can send letters and words of encouragement to Chelsea
at the following mailing address:

Chelsea Elizabeth Manning
William G. Truesdale Adult Detention Center
2001 Mill Road
Alexandria, VA 22314

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