This is fascinating response. It’s getting harder here to be a journalist
or to take pictures, but we still believe we can. Sometimes I think the
sheer number of images, for instance, just yesterday on Twitter, of NYPD
beating bicyclists and medical workers out after curfew - because the order
was to arrest those out after curfew - desensitizes us enough to produce an
ill effect of indifference.

Trump as the Law and Order President continues a legacy of overfunding
police departments and underfunding those oppressed by the system. ( If I
didn’t have to steal for my kids I wouldn’t.) He and other presidents and
Justice Departments have routinely militarized and supplied law enforcement
with the tools, garb, tech to overwhelm and “dominate”. Remember we have a
rapist for a President.

After a while it becomes commonplace. There is an army of officers who just
take orders. One giant algorithmic vector in place, coordinated to act on
behalf of power.

If they don’t want to be seen, they will shunt a group into an alley and
bludgeon us there, badges and cameras off. (Melbourne S8, 2003, on

The popular press here tells us how to prevent smartphone surveillance
because until Trump decides to shut us up, we have free speech and free

But, journalists are not doing too well here.

Those laws about who can film who are bizarre. Still even the poorest in
socialist Europe don’t have to steal to go to a doctor...


On Wed, Jun 3, 2020 at 11:44 PM Siraj Izhar | publiclife <>

> I watched the Cornell West interview at DemocracyNow
> where he says the failed social experiment that is America is breaking
> apart.
> But more troubled than ever by the Americanising of this or, using Trump
> as a prop, when deaths in police custody over decades at least here in
> the UK are regular.


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