a week+ after felix' orignial posting, i'm quite certain that
what is breaking is the consensus that the disintegration of
the united states of the middle of north america should fill
anyone with horror. distant observers, maybe. but the actors,
people in the streets? it all looks quite joyful to me, i have
to admit, and resolute and responsible and determined to win.

maybe read this: http://piratecinema.org/screenings/20200429
(april 29), and/or google: game of thrones walk of shame
minneapolis. things are moving rather quickly these days.

then i thought: don't post to nettime at 3 am, sleep over it.
here is what i woke up to:



> On May 31, 2020, at 12:27 PM, Felix Stalder <fe...@openflows.com> wrote:
> I, like probably most nettimers, I have been observing the fracturing
> of the US with increasing horror (knowing that Europe, over the last
> 70 years, has usualled followed the US, for good and bad). With the
> horrific response to Covid-19, things to have now taken an even
> darker turn, compounding all the simmering structural violence into
> something, well, into what? Approaching civil war? There are certainly
> enough heavily-armed militias around who are clamoring for it. Is this
> a breaking point, and if so, what exactly is breaking?
> -- 
> | |||||||||||||||||| http://felix.openflows.com |
> | Open PGP | http://felix.openflows.com/pgp.txt |
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