Then perhaps alternatives such as can serve as classroom or lounge...? The proximity driven interaction hints at how such places will evolve. is one we spawned the other day for those normally visiting SPC studio in the Old Police Station, Deptford.

p2p options like are limit scale to your connection capacity but shrug off the man in the middle anxiety of corporate platforms. worth mentioning for the very effective whiteboard service it offers though for us Discord has been the most flexible collaborative platform for continuity.

I look forward to attending fewer formal meetings and spending more time in the casual conversation and buzz of socialised spaces wherever they arise. seeing you !


On 06/07/2020 16:54, Felix Stalder wrote:
On 06.07.20 09:29, Andreas Broeckmann wrote:

folks, has somebody made a detailled, media-critical comparison
between these different systems and their functionality? (for the
teaching i did, we used "Cisco Webex Meetings")
Not that I know of, my not particularly subtle conclusion from many
hours of online teaching, meetings and conversations is this:

Zoom is the new powerpoint.

James Stevens +447973318881 http://spc.or

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