
Not certain that I am following you accurately, as it seems as if you are 
presenting us with the devil’s choice - choosing between one’s own survival or 
perishing for the sake of your unspecified “greater risk”.

I’m not sure of your citizenry but as a woman living in the USA at this moment, 
amongst other significant factors, I am subject to the distinct threat of the 
overt forces of misogyny ( see the attempt to kidnap and Lynch the Gov. of 
Michican as a most recent example).  

Make no mistake these are not illusionistic threats.  They are real, they are 
deliberate and they are growing …and their intent is to "bring the entire 
system down from within."

> On Oct 7, 2020, at 2:29 AM, Zak McGregor <> wrote:
> On Tue, 6 Oct 2020 19:00:39 -0400
> Keith Sanborn <> wrote:
>> We are talking about the death of even the semblance of bourgeois democracy. 
>> And in its place not revolutionary socialism, or an anarchist utopia, but 
>> death-dealing fascism. Given the choice, I will vote for bourgeois democracy 
>> any time. 
> Then the cycle will never end. For people outside the USA, Biden poses 
> probably an even greater risk to their lives than Trump. The US left needs to 
> realise that they a. can't effect meaningful change through the ballot, and 
> b. need to bring the entire system down from within. 
> -- 
> Zak McGregor <>
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