Felix Stalder presented a well-crafted, cogent view as have others in this soliloquy.

A broadening of geography as well as cosmology would consider that most of the Earth's surface is not inhabited by most densely packed, infectuous, disputatious humans. The age of European, preceded by Asiatic, exploration spread a particular way of living and thinking to what it termed The New World.

That has unique mindset has spread to most of the planet and nearby space, lately dominated by technology, some of which is beneficial, a good amount suicidally conceited about its supremacy with roots in the EU fragment of the green orb. The mono language, thought, literature and technology of this forum, say, which is quite restricted, perhaps unavoidably, in its judgmental values of good and bad, right and wrong, rational and irrational.

Imagine, though, another age of exploration, inhabitance, invention, creativity and behavior altogether open-minded about a different world view that was not uncurably diseased by EUism of faith, thought, economy, sociality, prejudice, governance, exploitation, supremacism, enslavement, righteousness, cruelty, misogyny, racism, Orwellianism, constitutionalism, royalism, the full pathological spectrum of highly-educated and fiercely enforced ignorance and conformity.

Turns out there is already a EUism-free world like that, until recently secure from invasion by the hordes of exploration exploiters weilding technology and apoligia to ravage and rape and slaughter and enslave. Right, you otherworders guessed it, not outer space, not AI, not pharma, not deep thinking, but deep undersea where dog eat dog landward ethno-suicidism exists as inhuman variety incomprehensibly older, surely wiser, than fragile, vulnerable, self-destructive human sapiens.

Bide time, the homicidal hairy apes are melting the ice, the seas are invading the oh so pregnable fortresses defending homelands of ancestral supremacy, with minuscule scouts gathering intelligence on weaknesses of flesh and blood pods welcoming baring their innards to laughably named Trojan Horses riding hell-bent into blood streams and lung sacs unprotected by over-valued technology, wisdom, beliefs, lusts, universal health, benevolent regimes housed in glorious temples of classicism.

The multi-lingual-humnoidal internet, way-stationed here, intoxicates into early senility with calls to keep powder dry, to not deviate from the tried and true, to hold the forts of sacred Capitols, to expand weaponry, to wear masks of civility. Inside the thin skins the water-based infrastructure accepts signals from its cohorts below the shipping lanes, flowing within water supply pipes, churning in sewage treatment plants, swirling in rivers, lakes and reservoirs, signals to be patient, the skins and nerves and ganglia and brain matter will soon be ready for pick-up slurping.

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