Yes, there were people like the guy in the fur hat who apparently is the son of 
a judge, but I'm following up on that claim.
Idiocracy isn't so funny any more . Hasn't been for a long time.
Shifting back to the US next week.. I'll be on more.

On Fri, 8 Jan 2021 20:34:30 +0100, Geert Lovink <> wrote:

Hi Molly and Tara!

A leader, yes… but what were they supposed to do there? Stay? Take over, but 
what exactly? It’s all about staging. Now they were primarily staging for 
social media, for themselves, individually, roaming around in a building, 
looking for what? In the end they were not one will, one social body. And this 
is required for a revolution or coup to succeed. Most likely they were after 
some other experience, some other type of change, perhaps.


Best, Geert


On 8 Jan 2021, at 7:52 pm, Molly Hankwitz <> wrote:

not to nitpick, but they had a command and that was from "storm the 

after that they had no serious intent to occupy the Capitol or, for instance, 
to issue demands...

they were there to disrupt the electoral college vote confirmation by Congress 
- on behalf of their leader (Trump)


your points about 'whiteness' are well-taken

we should not obscure 'reach' of whiteness trope, although one could argue, I 
think that those caught up in the swirl of 'whiteness' may think to themselves 
that they are a 'class' of some importance...






molly hankwitz - she/her


On Fri, Jan 8, 2021 at 9:58 AM Tara Mcpherson <> wrote:

It was definitely a mob, and I think Geert is right that this particular event 
had no clear command.


But I would caution against assuming these rioters were all poor white folk or 
that this was primarily about class. Many in the mob have now been identified, 
and there were plenty of white collar hooligans in the mix, some flying in on 
their private jets. The formation and legacies of whiteness in the US are a key 
animating factor here in a way that crosses class lines. It also fuels the way 
the mob claimed the title “patriot” and invoked 1776.




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From: <> on 
behalf of Geert Lovink <>
Sent: Friday, January 8, 2021 8:13:54 AM
To: a moderated mailing list for net criticism <>
Subject: Re: <nettime> made for TV, made for social media


Good question, Keith.

Was it a putch without a purpose of a mob without a cause? For sure they were 
all revved up, dazed by meme magick and shit, looking for the best selfie 

Once we enter the heart of the power, and roam around there, we do not face 
power as such. No need to repeat here what Foucault and many other after him 
have written about power. We know, but what if one has to experience this at 
first hand, as riot tourists?

The warriors were running through corridors, without a plan, needless to say, 
without their leader, as he was sitting in front of his TV set, around the 
corner, enjoying the images, watching the spectacle unfold, yet remaining 
silent at the decisive moment.

There was no command, no plan, not even a serious counterforce. At best it was 
a ‘disruption’ such as promoted by Silicon Valley venture capitalists.


> On 8 Jan 2021, at 4:39 pm, Keith Sanborn <> wrote:
> Put another way, was it the burning of the Reichstag or the storming of the 
> Winter Palace? or neither?

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