I am sure you heard last week's joke, Iain:

"Due to the pandemic, the United States decided to have its coup at home
this year."

Has anyone heard one about the Green Zone?

cheers, BH

On Mon, Jan 18, 2021 at 5:33 PM Iain Boal <b...@sonic.net> wrote:

> OK, John, apologies. Mistakes were made. I was not feeling well. I now
> recognize my "name-calling destructiveness”. I retract "sinomane”. Would
> “sinophilic” meet your approval? As for “telecommunist”, you surely
> noticed, it's their self-description!
> Those nettimers, stakhanovite heroes and sheroes at the digital coalface,
> who have stuck with this thread — whether out of loyalty, ‘iterative
> forwardness’ [wozzat? ED], or in the case of serial ironists (such as Roman
> and myself) nostalgic for the 1950s and even hoping to come across the
> phrase “big tractors” somewhere in the niagara of Eastern Orthodoxy — may
> have noted some projection going on, John, at your end.
> Truly, I made no ‘demand', either for ‘regulation' or ‘suppression'. Just
> a query whether Ted, our quondam moderator, might - do what? - well,
> perhaps send  a back-channel "*verb. sap*.", as Rosa Luxemburg used to
> say.
> Maybe it was the word ‘intervention’ that set you off, John? Well, I
> fondly hoped that the polysemy might be apparent, that its more gentle,
> mediative and therapeutic sense might be set resonating, rather than the
> cant term favoured by belligerents of right and left.  Why did the dogs of
> the crimethink gendarmerie spring to your mind?
> As for ‘inciteful’, well, what can one say? If it’s incitement you’re
> looking for, this fortnight I have just the place for you. Where the Green
> Zone comes home from the imperial frontier. Time to pull your Gibbon off
> the shelf.  (Hmm, my bibliomania is showing).
> Greetings, meanwhile, to all exhausted antinomians on the list, especially
> those silenced or keeping their silence, and - per impossibile -  to
> those who have already turned away from the spite and the spleen.
> From Ohlone territory,
> Iain
> -----------------------------
> On 18 Jan 2021, at 10:11, John Young <j...@pipeline.com> wrote:
> "iterate forward" is promisingly constructive action. Not so much
> name-callingly destructive "sinomane telecommunist."
> Demanding moderators to regulate is hardly insightful, more inciteful,
> downright spiteful.
> My cognita wistful at paralyzing ad homina.
> So say, this forum must not suppress the irrepressible.
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