All right, but which one? The CPC?

I thought I have to be a migrant worker in China to really understand the true 
emancipatory nature of the CPC. Else I can neither criticise them nor follow 
them. Because ignoring China is not an option either. We are all lost.

So it all ends up in a double bind. But in the end we are all McCarthists, at 
least that's set.


P.S.: I was not calling for moderation. I just tried to outline where this is 
going to end if thing go on like this. I admire most people's ability her on 
the list to produce constructive and meaningful replies to something which is 
for my part mostly utter nonsense. So yes, maybe the debate produced some 
reasonable results. But to me this ends where there isĀ  just insult and double 

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