The best smart contract code is the cryptokitty code! Information on
cattributes and cloning etc.
But yes. With a few exceptions where people actually encode images into the
hash (see the only thing you own with
cryptoart is the act of ownership itself. People sometimes draw
comparisons between owning cryptoart and owning a collectible like a
baseball card (you own 'this' card but you don't have any rights to the
image etc) but in this case, you don't even own the card. To me this is
emblematic of a shift from the artwork as commodity to the artwork as a
financial asset or increasingly as a financial derivative.

On Thu, Mar 18, 2021 at 10:10 AM Felix Stalder <> wrote:

> Last post in this subject, I promise.
> The NFT in the blockchain, recorded for eternity, does not contain
> artwork itself, but metadata pointing to the art work. It basically
> says, the file over there is the 'originalcopy' and I own it. Of course,
> everyone can still copy the art work over there (assuming it's a public
> location), but only that file on that location is the "original" one. Of
> course, if that server disappears, then the meta data point to nowhere,
> and becomes impossible to distinguish between the copies that might
> float around somewhere.
> One way to sidestep this is not to point to a location, but to a hash,
> which can stored anywhere in a decentralized file system.
> In Beeble's case, the token contains metadata that points to such a hash
> (a IPFS file). This has the advantage that it's not depended on a server
> which may or may not be around for very long, so it removes the
> dependency of the particular entity which host the server mentioned in
> the token.
> So, so this is the file that the token points to:
> {"title": "EVERYDAYS: THE FIRST 5000 DAYS", "name": "EVERYDAYS: THE
> FIRST 5000 DAYS", "type": "object", "imageUrl":
> "
> ",
> "description": "I made a picture from start to finish every single day
> from May 1st, 2007 - January 7th, 2021.  This is every motherfucking one
> of those pictures.", "attributes": [{"trait_type": "Creator", "value":
> "beeple"}], "properties": {"name": {"type": "string", "description":
> "EVERYDAYS: THE FIRST 5000 DAYS"}, "description": {"type": "string",
> "description": "I made a picture from start to finish every single day
> from May 1st, 2007 - January 7th, 2021.  This is every motherfucking one
> of those pictures."}, "preview_media_file": {"type": "string",
> "description":
> "
> "},
> "preview_media_file_type": {"type": "string", "description": "jpg"},
> "created_at": {"type": "datetime", "description":
> "2021-02-16T00:07:31.674688+00:00"}, "total_supply": {"type": "int",
> "description": 1}, "digital_media_signature_type": {"type": "string",
> "description": "SHA-256"}, "digital_media_signature": {"type": "string",
> "description":
> "6314b55cc6ff34f67a18e1ccc977234b803f7a5497b94f1f994ac9d1b896a017"},
> "raw_media_file": {"type": "string", "description":
> "
> "}}}
> Which, again, is just metadata pointing to, well, a webserver
> ( In other words, the seller, in order to have any
> object at all, is dependent on to remain online. In this
> case, it doesn't really matter, because buyer and seller is, in effect,
> the same person. But in other cases, the buyer becomes dependent on the
> seller for as long as s/he hold be token. Of course, the "originalcopy"
> could also be stored in decentralized file system, but apparently, this
> is not done very often. Some people have called this structure
> "long-game extortion."
> See,
> On 16.03.21 10:41, Florian Cramer wrote:
> > On Thu, Mar 11, 2021 at 5:49 PM Felix Stalder <>
> wrote:
> >
> >> I'm sure many have followed the NFT art saga over the last couple of
> >> months and seen today's headline that somebody just paid $ 69,346,250
> >> for a NFT on a blockchain, meta-data to claim ownership of the
> >> "originalcopy" of a digital art work.
> >
> > Thanks to Amy Castor's article (which you also mentioned/linked to,
> >
> ),
> > we now know that the buyer didn't actually pay $69,346,250, but "$60
> > million in ETH and $9 million in fees, also in ETH" - a significant
> > difference IMHO. The whole Christie's sale thus boils down to a
> conversion
> > of one type of ETH token into another type of ETH token within the
> > portfolio of a crypto currency investment firm, and using the art market
> > transaction as means of pumping the value of the latter.
> --
> | |||||||||||||||||| |
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