Hi Felix & all,

I watched this documentary during the week, if you can get a chance to
watch it I think you'll find it relevant and rewarding, in respect of the
context of what society is dealing with; not in respect of incels and
fascism, but also those crypto millionaires and they're ignorant of the
damage (and extreme forms of misogyny) they do to the world via their

"Pepe the Frog started life in 2005 as a cute cartoon character in Boy’s
Club, an American indie comic on Myspace. Today, he is known as an
international hate symbol after being hijacked by the alt-right. Pepe the
Frog: Feels Good Man follows Pepe’s creator, artist Matt Furie, as he
fights to bring back his lovable comic-book character from the dark forces
who stole him.

As the internet exploded, memes of the benign and chill frog-dude started
sweeping the internet with lightning speed. Once his image found its way
into controversial online community 4chan – the anonymous, anything-goes
forum rife with misogyny and racism - there was no turning back. Pepe
re-emerged from the darkest corner of the internet decorated with swastikas
and spewing racist slurs. He was even caught up in Donald Trump’s
presidential campaign.

Exactly how that happened is a wild journey into the heart of online life
today and an exploration of how a character meant to bring joy and fun
slowly morphed into something else. Maybe, just maybe, he can change again."

Worth watching to remind ourselves what we're all up against. It isn't just
about the money, it's also about dysfunctional politics, combined with
sexism and revenge. (Will unpack this another time ;-)


Wishing you well.


On Thu, 11 Mar 2021 at 16:46, Felix Stalder <fe...@openflows.com> wrote:

> I'm sure many have followed the NFT art saga over the last couple of
> months and seen today's headline that somebody just paid $ 69,346,250
> for a NFT on a blockchain, meta-data to claim ownership of the
> "originalcopy" of a digital art work.
> https://onlineonly.christies.com/s/first-open-beeple/beeple-b-1981-1/112924
> I don't want to start a discussion on the revolutionary vs reactionary
> character of this emerging art market. All of that has already been
> said. If you want a close approximation of my perspective, I refer you
> to this:
> https://everestpipkin.medium.com/but-the-environmental-issues-with-cryptoart-1128ef72e6a3
> What I'm more interested in here is to ask two things.
> What -- after a decade of quantitative easing and crypto-currencies
> rising into the stratosphere -- monetary value is indicating for the
> segment that profited the most from these developments and what does
> that mean for the rest of us?
> And, assuming that this is not a cartoon version of a potlatch where
> wasting resources serves to put rivals to shame, how many different
> scams -- money laundering would be an obvious contender -- are being
> layered on top of one other to create this?
> Quite puzzled. Felix
> --
> | |||||||||||||||||| http://felix.openflows.com |
> | Open PGP | http://felix.openflows.com/pgp.txt |
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Wishing you well



Dr Marc Garrett

Co-founder & Artistic director of Furtherfield & DECAL Decentralised Arts

Furtherfield disrupts & democratises art and technology through
exhibitions, labs & debate, for deep exploration, open tools & free
thinking. http://www.furtherfield.org

DECAL Decentralised Arts Lab is an arts, blockchain & web 3.0 technologies
research hub for fairer, more dynamic & connected cultural ecologies &
economies now. http://decal.is/

Recent publications:

State Machines: Reflections & Actions at the Edge of Digital Citizenship,
Finance, & Art. Edited by Yiannis Colakides, Marc Garrett, Inte Gloerich.
Institute of Network Cultures, Amsterdam 2019 http://bit.do/eQgg3

Artists Re:thinking the Blockchain. Eds, Ruth Catlow, Marc Garrett, Nathan
Jones, & Sam Skinner. Liverpool Press - http://bit.ly/2x8XlMK
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