Thanks. Should also have sent along the companion piece, articulating a
"right to create" in the face of changing conditions. You'll find that text

On Sun, Mar 28, 2021 at 10:31 AM bronac ferran <> wrote:

> Thanks Sandra
> That is a fascinating read and very much on topic.
> B
> On Sun, 28 Mar 2021 at 15:37, Sandra Braman <>
> wrote:
>> This piece from 1996 on art and various forms of capital in the digital
>> world has some things to say that are pertinent to this interesting
>> conversation. You'll see some theorists not as present in ongoing
>> conversation these days as they were then, but I stand on the piece.
>> "Art in the Information Economy"
>> Sandra Braman
>> On Sun, Mar 28, 2021 at 5:00 AM <> wrote:
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>>> than "Re: Contents of nettime-l digest..."
>>> Today's Topics:
>>>    1. Re: what does monetary value indicate? (Molly Hankwitz)
>>>    2. Re: what does monetary value indicate? (Brian Holmes)
>>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>>> Message: 1
>>> Date: Sat, 27 Mar 2021 18:50:30 -0700
>>> From: Molly Hankwitz <>
>>> To: Michael Goldhaber <>
>>> Cc:
>>> Subject: Re: <nettime> what does monetary value indicate?
>>> Message-ID:
>>>         <CAH5TXpxUg4Lor3z=BLftTdqghDAk=
>>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
>>> Hi Michael,
>>> Or, maybe, originality has been all along, a fictional history, and a
>>> signifier for fictional social relations in much art history, if only to
>>> justify value through ?scarcity? (genius and originality are rare) or
>>> create its justification (there is only one original) and to obscure
>>> modes
>>> of artistic production not about ?sole? authorship and individual
>>> creativity? Somewhere along the line, ?originality? was seen to be a
>>> valuable asset in art making, taught, told, produced, encouraged, and
>>> then
>>> it died many deaths as a concept; as something to strive for or achieve
>>> or
>>> practice or expect? ?Death of the author?, digital reproducibility,
>>> post-medium conditions, AI Art, all seemingly question or consider at
>>> least
>>> art without ?originality?.
>>> We have replaced this expectation instead with collectivity,
>>> collaboration,
>>> stakeholders, or, much more importantly, maybe, the artist as an
>>> ?original?
>>> interpreter of systems. So, I?m thinking that the new artist might be
>>> more
>>> akin to an economist who comprehends the communication of value or an
>>> artist who digs deeply into AI enough to transform it...originally. This
>>> appears to me by way of Paglen, Steryel, and others to be a trend. Artist
>>> as ?administrative author? or initiator of a system, through which
>>> communities can act, somewhat recursively to establish value, and/or
>>> prosper via, for instance, a shared currency?
>>> (Fresh from MoneyLab events)
>>> Molly
>>> On Sat, Mar 27, 2021 at 4:02 PM Michael Goldhaber <
>>> >
>>> wrote:
>>> > On Mar 27, 2021, at 1:27 PM, Molly Hankwitz <>
>>> > wrote:
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > original is original when originality died long ago ?
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > Yes, originality died with the second cave painting, but has been
>>> reborn
>>> > many times since, even if only evident to new generations. Depending
>>> on
>>> > the fineness of your mesh, it is always relatively rare, and thus,
>>> with so
>>> > many trying for it today, perhaps easily not seen. But I bet still
>>> around.
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > Best,
>>> >
>>> > Michael
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > --
>>> molly hankwitz - she/her
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>>> ------------------------------
>>> Message: 2
>>> Date: Sat, 27 Mar 2021 23:28:14 -0500
>>> From: Brian Holmes <>
>>> To: Molly Hankwitz <>
>>> Cc: a moderated mailing list for net criticism
>>>         <>
>>> Subject: Re: <nettime> what does monetary value indicate?
>>> Message-ID:
>>>         <
>>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
>>> On Sat, Mar 27, 2021 at 8:51 PM Molly Hankwitz <>
>>> asked:
>>> Artist as ?administrative author? or initiator of a system, through which
>>> > communities can act, somewhat recursively to establish value, and/or
>>> > prosper via, for instance, a shared currency?
>>> >
>>> I am fascinated by the concept of the artist as "initiator of a system,"
>>> it's the most profound and still-relevant notion of art to come out of
>>> the
>>> late 20th century. To initiate a system is to open up the field in which
>>> something like orientation or valuation can take place. Exactly what the
>>> orientations and values must be is not initially prescribed, but still,
>>> the
>>> coordinates and the terms of measure are made available and shared, as we
>>> all know from software and activist movements and even love (let's think
>>> co-initiators).
>>> But the demon of contradiction wants me to take something so admirable
>>> into
>>> a more troubling direction, which could have some bearing on Felix's
>>> question of NFT motivations.
>>> There were these two dudes, I happen to know their story, Leo Melamed,
>>> the
>>> star trader of the Chicago Mercantile Exchange, and Milton Friedman -
>>> well,
>>> you get the picture. Leo went to listen in on the classes given by ol'
>>> Milt
>>> at the University of Chicago, notably because of the idea that in a world
>>> of floating currency values, futures markets would easily emerge. Money
>>> could be made from the possible future values of money - it fired
>>> Melamed's
>>> imagination. When Nixon suspended the Bretton Woods treaties and opened
>>> up
>>> the floating world, Leo commissioned Milt to write an authoritative
>>> paper,
>>> and the two co-initiators went to Washington to institute a new world
>>> order. Legal to boot. Friedman rang the bell at the opening of the
>>> International Monetary Market on May 16, 1972. It opened up the entire
>>> computational space of financial derivatives. You can read Melamed's
>>> prose
>>> if you're curious, but you gotta see the look on Friedman's face:
>>> NFTs are gesturing toward a new market, a hitherto unknown territory of
>>> abstraction. For a financier this would be the equivalent of the voyages
>>> of
>>> discovery - Christopher Columbus. The everyday lives will get colonized
>>> later on. Right now these people have the sense of establishing, not just
>>> an asset class, but something new under the sun. They feel like world
>>> movers.
>>> The weird thing is that I think many of us can imagine it, at least a
>>> little bit. Do you remember what it was like, co-initiating
>>> social-computational systems? Maybe you still do it?
>>> Around that time back in the early 70s, the conceptual artist Marcel
>>> Broodthaers was ironically exploring what he called "the conquest of
>>> space." It was about Columbus and the art market and the Apollo Program.
>>> Certainly with the symbolic space they opened up - now the Globex trading
>>> platform -  Friedman and Melamed oriented the whole neoliberal period.
>>> They
>>> discovered a new America. They created and administrated what you might
>>> call an effective abstraction, which has not yet ceased to govern the
>>> vast
>>> lifeworlds of just-in-time production and distribution. This is the
>>> terrifying other side of initiating systems.
>>> NFTs are not going to rule the world. This is an attempted conquest of
>>> art-market space. But the desire it attempts to symbolize is significant.
>>> What kind of currency would a computational oligarchy need for the era of
>>> accelerated technological change and asymptotically granular population
>>> control that is emerging as a possibility right now, through the
>>> ubiquitous
>>> applications of AI? In the best of cases this would have to be a truly
>>> common currency, enabling resilience, adaptation, transformation for the
>>> future 9 billions of human earthlings - and infinite other species. In
>>> the
>>> worst of cases, it would be the currency of a veritable state-financial
>>> nexus, the kind David Harvey talks about, where privatized monetary
>>> creation is the enabler of hyper flexible bureaucratic control.
>>> Frankly, just reading the newspapers, I see a huge struggle going on over
>>> the initiation of systems. Either you get eco-socialism, or you get the
>>> nexus.
>>> Meanwhile I see lots of artists trying to invent new blockchain
>>> currencies.
>>> But who is the Marcel Broodthaers of the onrushing AI era? And how would
>>> *they* express themselves?
>>> curiously, Brian
>>> -------------- next part --------------
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>>> End of nettime-l Digest, Vol 162, Issue 33
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> --
> Bronaċ
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