On 08/12/2021 18:13, Gary Hall wrote:
> I'm really wary of terms like synthesis.

A term with many definitions/connotations, which one gives you caution?

Taking a look in OED's arrangement of possible meanings what comes
closest to what I had in mind is 6b:

"A body of things put together; a complex whole made up of a number of
parts or elements united".

Where "body" signifies the human community and "put together" signifies
social movements finding common, emergent ground sufficient to accept
differences, without annihilating each other and each other's respective
"parts", so that we can live together ("united") as a diverse bunch
without going to war from separate echo chambers and parliaments.

At the moment, if one drinks from the mainstream, then it appears that
we're still moving apart from each other, rather than coming together,
but are we? Could we be one and many?
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