Science thrives with doubts and diversity. And ends with apodictic calls to stop discussions. Sorry to say, Florian: your statement sounds to me like an attempt to block a very much needed debate. The comparison with intelligent design is itself a propagandistic trope. Even being "provax", I'd stilll feel much safer in a scientific environment that allows for doubts and discussions.


Am 20.01.2022 um 16:54 schrieb Florian Cramer:
    I feel there exists a distinct and problematic form of boundary
    policing from what identifies as 'the left' today, resulting inany
    critique of lockdowns and provax sentiment starting from left-wing
    values being too easily dismissed as 'right-wing.' A better critique
    of class in relation to all this is especially sorely missing. Hence
    my retort of 'knee-jerk.'

The word "provax" itself is a propaganda framing, similar to framing evolution as 'just a theory' next to 'intelligent design', and a complete giveaway of your ideology; just as your list of research questions was, in its sum, rhetorical.

Any critical discussion ends here.


    Cheers, Ingrid.

    Get Outlook for Android <>
    *From:* Ana Teixeira Pinto
    *Sent:* Thursday, January 20, 2022 2:00:52 PM
    *To:* Hoofd, I.M. (Ingrid) < <>>
    *Cc:* <>
    < <>>
    *Subject:* Re: <nettime> CfP: Critical reflections on pandemic
    politics: left-wing, feminist and anti-racist critiques
    I would not call Florian's response a knee-jerk reaction, and also
    find it difficult to sketch out an anti-racist position without
    addressing vaccine equity, or the adjacency of anti-vaccine rhetoric
    to narratives of reverse colonialism entailing the subjugation of
    white people; not to mention their rabid antisemitism. I would not
    foreclose a left-wing critique of government policy but would agree
    with Florian that its dangerous to couch far-right sentiment in left
    wing discourse.

    On Thu, Jan 20, 2022 at 1:06 PM Hoofd, I.M. (Ingrid)
    < <>> wrote:

        Your knee-jerk response is an excellent example of elitist and
        false-oppositional ‘left’ thinking that has completely fallen
        for the government and big-pharma propaganda, and forgets to
        think critically about power structures, knowing very well that
        right-wing and left-wing, while also entertaining huge
        differences, are not pure opposites. Baudet would be proud of
        you; he can rake in the spoils.____


        Cheers, Ingrid.____

        __ __

        __ __

        *From:*Florian Cramer <
        *Sent:* Thursday, 20 January 2022 13:00
        *To:* Hoofd, I.M. (Ingrid) <
        *Cc:* <>
        *Subject:* Re: <nettime> CfP: Critical reflections on pandemic
        politics: left-wing, feminist and anti-racist critiques____

        __ __

            - Government propaganda and censorship around lockdown and

        [...] ____

            - The role of mass and social media in anti- or pro-lockdown
            or vaccine propaganda, political polarization and forms of
            media virality (eg. via covid-19 memes)____

        [...] ____

            - Mandatory vaccine rollouts as assaults to the feminist
            appeal to bodily autonomy____

        [...] ____

            - Ethical considerations regarding mass experimentation,
            moral shaming and lateral citizen surveillance____


            - Teleological and theological narratives of science as
            salvation (eg. via vaccinations)____

        __ __

        All beautiful examples of a "Querfront" discourse where extreme
        right positions are packaged  in left-wing rhetoric. Not a
        single point, however, on minorities and vulnerable people and
        communities endangered by anti-vaccer egoism, and neo-Darwinist
        politics - for example in the UK, Sweden and the Netherlands, of
        "herd immunity" through survival of the fittest.____

        __ __

        You should invite Dutch experts Willem Engel and Thierry Baudet
        as keynote speakers.____

        __ __



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