Patrice et al, 

The concerns are real and well stated. What can we do? Concern here on Left 
Coast is , of course, with NATO involvement/non involvement (how Cold will this 
thing go) and how crazy will Putin or Rand Paul become in their rhetoric and 
actions? How convincing? How determined? How much of a bandwagon? 

CODEPINK organizing peace and non-violence/end to war protest in Bay Area.

 Otherwise, the quiet observance of what will happen to Russian immigrants and 
businesses here in States as there is too often backlash. 

pelmeni not war
practice peace

Sent from my iPhone

> On Mar 8, 2022, at 4:56 PM, Keith Sanborn <> wrote:
> When I was in Russia in 2008 for 5.5 months, I recorded a lot of tv footage. 
> The piece linked here is based on a series of commercials on Telekanal Zvezda 
> (i.e. The military’s own star channel, complete with red star). At the time, 
> all I remember them showing besides these commercials were old Soviet era war 
> movies.
> I paired this with some other footage from Youtube, which I considered 
> equally obscene and provocative, though in a different way.
> I asked my students at the Smolny Institute (now defunct, then a 
> collaborative project between Bard College and the University of St. 
> Petersburg) what was going on in these commercials. They could only say, 
> “Russian incompetence.” The Russian titles are a recuperation of the famous 
> inversion of the genitive, so dear to the situationists. They read: The Force 
> of Beauty, the Beauty of Force. One could translate the word Silo (Сило) by 
> Strength, but it also figures in the Russian phrase for the Armed Forces, so 
> I kept it as Force and that translation seems more apposite now than ever.
> Russia in 2008 practiced and now practices conscription; military service is 
> required. It is also brutal, with many incidents of hazing, and of officers 
> extorting the grunts for their pay. This is information I heard in Russia 
> from Russians, not in the USSA.
> This piece, which pairs the commercials with other footage was part of a 
> project called “Equivalences” which was a large scale installation, installed 
> only once in Antwerp. It was largely based on Youtube footage.
> The current invasion in Ukraine is somehow rooted in a very long term plan. 
> This footage plays some strange role in it. 
> Not for the faint hearted.
> Keith
>> On Mar 8, 2022, at 7:20 AM, patrice riemens <> wrote:
>> ... has already arrived .
>> Aloha,
>> Even though the last two posts on the list are mine, I have no intention to 
>> become (again) nettime's #1 poster! So this will be my last one for now.
>> This said I still wanted to share my thoughts  - was it only to be relieved 
>> of them -  about 'the situation' with fellow nettimers. 
>> ExecSum: I think that war in Western Europe is now inevitable, and it will 
>> descend on us sooner than we all would wish for. 
>> In my mind, there are three options about when NATO will actually go to, or 
>> be dragged into a war against Putin's Russia. 
>> Option Zero: There will be no war. Putin will enslave Ukraine after having 
>> laid it to waste, annex part of it, and transform the rest in a vassal 
>> state, or whatever 'solution' he has in mind after achieving 'victory'.  And 
>> 'we' in the West, will accommodate with the new situation and try to make 
>> the best of it, even if it won't be fun at all on many front.  And yet I 
>> would feel insanely optimistic if I gave it half a chance of happening - or 
>> even less than that.
>> Having put his war machinery in movement, there is no turning back for 
>> Vladimir Putin, save a number of scenarios for his demise that have been 
>> discussed here and there and which are all entirely speculative. So by 
>> keeping it strictly to the current state of the situation, I see only three 
>> possible outcomes, all based on the assumption that the political and 
>> military deciders in the Western alliance (but also outside of it) have by 
>> now concluded that a war can no longer be averted, the only question being 
>> when it will start 'for real'. 
>> So there are in my mind three 'moments' when NATO will become involved in an 
>> armed conflict with Putin's Russia:
>> Moment 1: The situation in Ukraine becomes so dire, the 'Grosnyfication' of 
>> Ukrainian cities so blatant, the masses of refugees into Ukraine's 
>> neighbours, fleeing the violence under the bombs so colossal, that 'in the 
>> West', populations, politicians, media, and even the military brass get so 
>> agitated as to decide that enough is enough - and that 'we will be next' any 
>> way. So there will be more and more support pouring into Ukraine that will 
>> less and less distinguishable from direct military intervention, a stage 
>> that in the eyes of Putin has been passed long ago in any case.  
>> Moment 2 happens if Putin indeed achieve his goals in Ukraine, at whatever 
>> cost to the Russian and to the Ukrainian people without NATO actually 
>> intervening, it having be paralysed by the fear of consequences Putin has 
>> repeatedly, and unequivocally threatened with. In which case there is no 
>> reason whatsoever to assume he will stop at that and now will go to menace, 
>> and, if unsuccessful,  attack both ex-Soviet, but not NATO members Moldova 
>> and Georgia. Russia annexing Moldova will make Romania very angry and very 
>> anxious, doing the same with Georgia will rattle Turkey to an even larger 
>> extent, and greater consequences. And both Romania and Turkey are NATO 
>> members. At which stage the same 'we'll anyway be next'  conclusion might 
>> prevail after all ...
>> ... or not. Moldova and far-from-Europe (if not from Turkey) Georgia will be 
>> left to their fate of post-Soviet & pre-Imperial vassal states, whether they 
>> have resisted invasion (& be destroyed in the process) or not. Moment 2 in 
>> any case represents a 'between-in'  scenario that could be triggered by the 
>> outcome of Moment 1, ... or not, or might just as well merge with ... 
>> Moment 3 which will happen when Putin's Russia will directly threaten NATO 
>> countries, arguing yet again that NATO, not Russia, is the 'structural' 
>> aggressor. Unfortunately, the trigger to make it is there, in plain sight, 
>> on the map: it is called the 'Suvalky gap' and it consist in the 90km long 
>> borderline between Poland and Lithuania that separates the Russian 
>> (semi-)exclave of Kaliningrad Oblast from Russia's vassal Belarus - by now, 
>> and surely by then, a nation in name only. No doubt Putin will demand a 
>> 'corridor' to put an end to this insufferable situation, itself the result 
>> from the evenmore insufferable existence of the formerly Soviet Baltic 
>> states as independent countries. And all NATO members, just as Poland.
>> There will be no Czechoslovakia 1939. Having gone that far, the analogy with 
>> the precedent of Nazi Germany will have become too stark. NATO will go at 
>> war. What happens next is for any one and everyone to imagine.
>> I am aware that there are a lot of holes that can (and will) be shot in my 
>> presentation. The most obvious one being whether Putin can hold Russia 
>> together as it is dragging it into a fratricidal annihilation war with 
>> Ukraine - with the economic disaster that it entails. And whether he can 
>> hold his power (and even his life) in the face of possible (probable?) 
>> mounting discontent, both of the Russian people and of his own clique. 
>> Beware of the Ides of March (in 6 days time!) and the 'Tu quoque' bit they 
>> say ... but this wishful thinking is surely part of my sentiment, but not of 
>> my reasoning. 
>> Conclusion: We - and this time without speech marks - are toast. Sorry.
>> Cheers all the same,
>> p+7D!
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