re: eurasianism

„Poor Schmitt: The Nazis said blood and soil — he understood soil. The
Nazis meant blood’’ 1)

As important it is to stay up to date with "contrarian" world views,
such as Thiel, Dugin, Land, Galkovsky - instead of cancelling and
banning them from the reading lists, whatever is left of the left
would be well advised to stay ahead of the curve and to identify the
underlaying principles and main sources of revanchism and reactionary
thought around the world: conservative revolution, tellurian and
identitarian reterritorialisation, a Stirnerian swan song of
anti-democratic decline of the west, defending the "values" of
fortress europe.

While involuntarily repeating the geostrategical blueprints of fascist
accellerationism in the Lebensraum ideology of Generalplan Ost by
unfolding the imperialist green table of colonialist thinking and
their implementation in proxy wars in Europe, the sleepwalking German
ideology of border colonialisation is now a shared one, both sides
claim ukraine as "part of their own".

We have not only to conceptualize the impotence of autocracy, but the
very dialectical equilibrium of liberalism and illiberalism, and the
need for demonic scarecrows to push through a global green deal
transformation under a new agenda of western realignment.

This war has a ramp-up phase of more than a decade already. Plenty of
time to put a robust communication infrastructure in place, to prepare
hybrid divisions of crowdsourced OSINT intelligence, teach PsyOp
activists, as well as to train bataillons along the NATO experiences
with urban partisan warefare from Ireland to Kabul.

Schmittian thought has been very popular, in the failed medieval
moralism, in the conceptualisations of Agamben as well as in design
theory such as Brattons "Grossraum Stack". Even the antagonistic
populism of Chantal Mouffe has been falsified by the yellow vests and
by the rise of anti-rational pandemic idiocy in terms of the body
politics of the recent vaccination craze, bordering a holy war of
science instead of a digital technopolitical challenge not taken -
with exceptions indeed, such as in Taiwan 2).

Finding a third view of non-alignment to conceptualize the broken
hegemonies and possiblities into the open, be it Bretton-Woods III or
other types of nonlinear, game changing situations, requires a world
crisis to push through various competing geostrategic agendas,
defending the expansive interests of the wealthy. Are these changes
revanchist, backward oriented, or progressive, and solidaric in terms
of an advancing planetary humanity? How do they combine technology,
economics and psychology to not become a new form of fascism? Will the
war in Ukraine export Holodomor to the world, especially to the global

When ethnical cleansing of the billionaires happens again, and western
oligarchs such as Musk, Besoz and Zuckerberg profit, something is
going down the wrong path dependency. The war is happening already and
it happens in your head, your mind is changing and you do not even
recognize it. This is how capitalist reconquista functions as a
mutation of corporatism, the combination of state and corporate power,
and it wouldn't function without passionate subsumption under
reinstated hemispherical emnities.

It will be likely China introducing solutions we in the west are
unable to perceive. The confirmation bias of the armchair infanterists
of bellingcat, the self announced nationalistic anarchists without any
credible publishing history, the humanitarian supporters of
no-fly-zones and "simple" democratic solutions of the trolly problem
and its "unintended consequences" of unleashing a collective death
drive, all the war mongers and profiteurs of masspychological
alignment- prepare to put on your blue helmets made in China!

1) Hannah Arendt reads Carl Schmitt’s The Nomos of the Earth: A
dialogue on law and geopolitics from the margins, by Anna Jurkevics
2)  #TaiwanModel

On Sat, Mar 12, 2022 at 8:13 AM Brian Holmes
<> wrote:
> That's no excuse to put off thinking about it though. If Russian revanchism 
> has been handled very badly indeed by "the West," then people on both sides 
> of the Atlantic had better develop a much better approach to the multifaceted 
> Eurasian Question.
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