Dear All,

I think Mastodon has certain things going for it but the experience is very different from the Nettime LIST...

The group who orchestrated the change in environments should have prepared users for the change and described a framework on how this change could work. To suddenly basically dissolve one community and imagine it will just reappear someplace else involves some wishful thinking.



On 12/14/22 17:18, Miklos Peternak wrote:
dear all,

from someone who rarely post to the list, but follows it almost since the beginnig -  as andreas was accurate, i only join him now:

On 2022. 12. 06. 21:20, Andreas Broeckmann wrote:
, i know that for me personally the move of nettime away from e-mail would mean that i would, after 25+ years, probably lose the connection. like others here, e-mail is the medium i like for this kind of communication, and i don't see myself scrolling through


i know that simplicity and longevity are not values in themselves,

i do think, these are values - but agree, there are more values on earth,

by than, to all,

& my very bests,


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