Dear Andreas,

I respectfully disagree with your characterisation of my remarks.

For the avoidance of doubt, I believe that the list maintainers do wish to
support the community, which is precisely why I believe that they will share
the information needed to preserve continuity of the list with their

Best wishes --


On Thu, 15 Dec 2022 at 12:27:17PM +0100, Andreas Broeckmann wrote:
> Folks,
> Maybe, more productively, and as Allan has suggested, people can write small
> reports here about how (exactly) they are using the new Mastodon instance,
> and what their experiences are. I'd find that useful, and maybe it's a good
> time to learn and play together.
> Regards,
> -a
> PS: Geoff, excuse my bluntness, but I think that the tone of your posting is
> completely inappropriate. Even for people who don't know the moderators
> personally, it must be clear that their commitment to the list and the
> project of Nettime is and has been substantial, and to put that in question
> in the form that you do here is in itself, for me, a mark of
> self-disqualification.
> Just two things: I suggest that you strike through the word "we" in your
> posting and reconsider again who this acting subject might actually be;
> there is certainly no "we" here that can "identify", "create", or "decide".
> The composition of this 'connective' is much more feeble than you seem to
> think. And you are suggesting to send away the people who have been holding
> its foundations together, even though you admit to not knowing what that
> involves, technically, mentally, socially, communication-wise. (Maybe apply
> for an internship?)
> Secondly, it may look like it for you, but Nettime is not and probably never
> will be an institution. It was much closer to that status 20 years ago. Its
> rules of operation are therefore different.
> -a
> Am 15.12.22 um 10:53 schrieb Geoffrey Goodell:
> > Dear Allan and all,
> > 
> > The wishful thinking on the part of the list maintainers was:
> > 
> > (a) that they would be forgiven for growing weary of running the service; 
> > AND
> > 
> > (b) that they would also continue to enjoy the self-gratification from
> > volunteering to provide infrastructure support to the community.
> > 
> > The inconvenient reality is that they cannot have both (a) and (b).
> > 
> > So, I suggest that we identify new list maintainers; after all, we all knew
> > that time for a successor would eventually come.  If this is just a matter 
> > of
> > configuring and running mailman3 on one of my mail servers, then I am happy 
> > to
> > do it myself, although I suspect that there are others here who are more
> > appropriate for the task.
> > 
> > Suggest that we create a committee of volunteers to receive the knowledge of
> > how to run the list (e.g.: the list of email addresses and their settings, 
> > the
> > mailman configuration files, the historical archive, and so on) and decide 
> > who
> > should do what.  Whether or not this makes some people uncomfortable, 
> > Nettime
> > has become a de facto institution and requires an institutional approach.
> > 
> > Best wishes --
> > 
> > Geoff
> On Thu, 15 Dec 2022 at 10:07:16AM +0100, Allan Siegel wrote:
> > Dear All,
> >
> > I think Mastodon has certain things going for it but the experience is
> very
> > different from the Nettime LIST...
> >
> > The group who orchestrated the change in environments should have prepared
> > users for the change and described a framework on how this change could
> > work. To suddenly basically dissolve one community and imagine it will
> just
> > reappear someplace else involves some wishful thinking.
> >
> > best
> >
> > allan
> >
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