Ooops here is the link

On 5/11/06, Darren Albers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On 5/11/06, Gene Heskett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I did install the latest ndiswrapper thats available:
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] src]# ndiswrapper -v
> utils version: 1.8
> driver version:        1.13
> vermagic:       2.6.16-1.2111_FC5 686 REGPARM 4KSTACKS gcc-4.1
>  The previous version didn't work at all, wouldn't even modprobe.

Mmm  I think that should work with NM but until you get a front-end
working we won't know for sure.

Here is the WEXT compliance ticket for NDISWrapper, version 1.11 seems
to have full WEXT compliance so you should be good.

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