On Wednesday 24 January 2007 08:29, Timo Hoenig wrote:
>On Wed, 2007-01-24 at 08:14 -0500, Gene Heskett wrote:
>> 'netto' is a new term to me.  Can you elaborate?
>Oh, sorry for that.  I meant 'net'.
>While we're at it, what the heck is a 'lappy'? :-)  Just kidding.
><snip suspect adventure>
>> So this works, but half an hours putzing around doesn't seem to show
>> me how to make it automatic the next time.  Where is the 'save as'
>> dialog, which should include making a given profile the 'default'
>> profile, and where is the dialog allowing me to select other already
>> saved profiles?
>If you've set up KWallet correctly the key is now stored.

I turned it off since no known password will access it.  Someplace its 
master password has apparently never been set. Or something like that.  
How, or where, can this be fixed?

>You may run 
>'kwalletmanager' to check whether this is the case.  The wireless
>network you have successfully connected is now stored in
>~/.kde/share/config/knetworkmanagerrc.  Whenever you start
>KNetworkManager it will now pass the information about the network to
>NetworkManager.  If the wireless network is around, NetworkManager will
>try to establish a connection (as long as you're not a wired

I can and do use that also when wireless is disabled.

>That's the basic way it goes.  I have no idea if there are specific bits
>in FC6 of which I am not aware.

This is FC5 on the lappy, fc6 on this box.

>And, there is no support for profiles in NetworkManager.

And that is one huge, glaringly blinding error.  What the heck good is it 
if it cannot automate things for a roaming machine?

>   Timo

Cheers, Gene
"There are four boxes to be used in defense of liberty:
 soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
-Ed Howdershelt (Author)
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