On Wed, 2007-01-24 at 09:11 -0500, Gene Heskett wrote:

> 20 some years ago I was dreaming in hexidecimal, writing code for 8 
> bitters like the 1802, Z-80(spit) and the 6x09 stuff, and I would have 
> taken you up on that in a heartbeat.

Hey, I'm happy to see the ZX-81 emulator running on my PlayStation
Portable, even today :-)

> But now I'm 72, and don't seem to be able to get my head around much
> more than a bash script these days.

I'm sure that you will see most of your requests being fulfilled as
NetworkManager evolves.

In general, depending on the support of your distribution, it is already
now possible to use profiles.  Even with NetworkManager.  But, again, I
am not able to help much as my experience with Fedora is near zero.

If you monitor this list you will see feature requests on a regular
basis.  You can expect the developers to pick them up if appropriate.


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