On Wed, 2009-04-08 at 08:06 +0200, Jaap A. Haitsma wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm in a hotel currently and the wifi uses WPA encryption and password
> is a 10 digit hexadecimal number. When I use this number in Windows it
> works fine. However if I use NetworkManager it doesn't. If I look at
> the password that's actually being stored by NetworkManager I a
> hexadecimal number that is much larger. I'm assuming that's the hash
> of the password I'm entering. However I think in this case it should
> not take the hash but use the 10 digit hexadecimal number directly.
> Is this possible in NetworkManager?
> Are my assumptions correct? (I've never seen this WPA with a 10digit
> hexadecimal password before)

The network *might* also support WEP40, though that would be really,
really weird.  Do the instructions say anything about how to configure
the connection on Windows or Mac OS X?  The AP's BSSID would be useful
here to see what vendor they are.


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