On Thu, 2009-04-09 at 09:05 +0200, Jaap A. Haitsma wrote:
> >>
> >> Instructions of the hotel are the following
> >>
> >> SSID: STI WiFi
> >> key: a531bc531d
> >> PC: Network Key
> >> MAC: WPA 10 digits
> >
> > Could you try turning off NM, killing wpa_supplicant, and using
> > 'iwconfig' to association with WEP instead?
> >
> > killall -TERM NetworkManager
> > killall -TERM wpa_supplicant
> > iwconfig wlan0 key a531bc531d essid "STI WiFi"
> >
> > you  might need to try the iwconfig a few times; then if you do an
> > 'iwconfig' on its own, look for the "AP:" address to be valid, and if it
> > does, try dhclient.
> >
> > If that doesn't work, there are a few things with wpa_supplicant we can
> > try.
> >
> > Dan
> >
> I tried this but iwconfig says it is not associated with the accesspoint.

Ok, lets try the supplicant alone.  Kill NM and wpa_supplicant, then
create a file /tmp/sup.conf with;

        ssid="STI WiFi"
        proto=WPA RSN

and then run "wpa_supplicant -dddt -i wlan0 -D wext -c /tmp/sup.conf"
and let that run for 30 seconds or so, and reply with the output.


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