I probably should have used the most recent version from git in the
first place. We  have a new icera based product (Icon505(M)) which has
some different behavior than other devices. The "2" means "connecting"
and there are no other extra response values. Also depending on firmware
versions there is no whitespace after the ",". So a device could print
"OWANCALL: 1,1" or "OWANCALL: 1, 1". Additionally some firmware versions
print empty lines after "OK" or "OWANCALL:" which makes it more
difficult. I tested my previous patch with Icon225,Icon431 and Icon505M
and they were working ok. 

I also tested the newest version from git which is working fine with all
products except the Icon505(M). Attached you find a patch against latest
git tree of ModemManager to get the Icon505(M) working. Some info about
the patch:
-Icon505 doesn't like the whitespace in "+CGDCONT=%d, \"IP\", \"%s\"" so
removed it
-COPS=0,, can take very long on Icon505 (scanning network) so increased
timeout to 30
-because of extra empty lines printed had to change the parser to be
able to handle this (parser in 0.7.1~rc4.1.cf199a964 didn't have this

This patch was also tested with Icon225,Icon431 and Icon505M.

Kind regards,

-----Original Message-----
From: Dan Williams [mailto:d...@redhat.com] 
Sent: woensdag 26 augustus 2009 18:25
To: Jeroen Elebaut
Cc: networkmanager-list@gnome.org
Subject: Re: option products with network-manager-0.7.1~rc4.1.cf199a964

On Tue, 2009-08-25 at 11:17 +0200, Jeroen Elebaut wrote:
> Hey all,
> I hope this is the correct place to provide several patches for the
> network-manager. It seems the version included in ubuntu 9.04 is not
> working correctly with most option products (using hso driver).
> are patches for two files. These were made against version
> 0.7.1~rc4.1.cf199a964. Please find below a short description of the
> contents of each patch. I tried to make the changes as simple and
> straightforward as possible, probably it's not the best way but you
> should get the idea and can make it better/cleaner if needed :) 
> If you have comments/suggestions/etc... please keep me in cc since I
> not subscribed to this mailinglist.
> *nm-hal-manager.patch*
> -detection of network interface: At the moment the code assumes that
> network interface and the serial interface are part of the same USB
> interface. This is only true for older products. For new products the
> serial and network interface are on separate USB interfaces. Modified
> so it looks at the parent of the parent of the interface which should
> the same.

I actually fixed this a while ago, there are two here that are


> *nm-hso-gsm-device.patch*
> -authentication: When no username or password are provided the
> authentication fails. Also several products use an icera chipset and
> these need to use the command at_opdpp. Now it will first try the old
> method and if it fails try authentication with at_opdpp.

Fixed that a few months ago too:


Basically, the versions that Ubuntu ships aren't always up-to-date and
don't have the latest fixes.  Alexander Sack has a PPA that contains the
latest stuff, but for whatever reason, the official Ubuntu builds don't
always have some of the more useful bug fixes.

So sorry that you had to do work that's already been done, hopefully
that won't put you off of helping out further on down the line :)
Thanks for the patches.  You might also want to try out the NM
0.8/ModemManager PPA builds that Alexander has been doing for Ubuntu
9.10 to make sure your stuff works there.

I test with a few Option devices, including the Globetrotter ICON 7.2
(the large pancake thing), GIO322 (Quicksilver), Globetrotter GT MAX 3.6
(GX0202), iCON 225, and the iCON 452 AWS.  Thanks for making top-notch

> -setting up connection: Products with icera chipsets print _OWANCALL:
> 2 before _OWANCALL: 1, 1. Now code will wait for "_OWANCALL: 1, 1" or
> "_OWANCALL: 1,1" reply.

Now that's interesting, I don't think I saw that with my GIO322
Quicksilver which should also be Icera based.  Are there other responses
that we may want to trap as well?  Any idea what the "2" means?  The
OWANCALL fix is probably OK though.


Attachment: icon505.patch
Description: icon505.patch

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